Heart of Compassion

We adopted two kids on Friday. Couldn't help it. It started with my constant yearning (in spite of knowing that at this point in life, I really couldn't be a mom) for another little one. Then, J and I had a discussion on tithing. This is an honest admission on my part but I have a hard time with letting go of what really isn't mine at all...money that God has blessed us with. We went back and forth on the topic. Me being the one that argued against giving the full 10% - J being the level headed, spiritually certain one in the conversation. "Babe, God wants us to give freely, knowing that He wants to bless through us. When He sees that we are obedient, He will continue to bless us in ways we've never imagined." "But, what if WE need the money?" I asked. "Then God will provide, plain and simple," J responded. So we talked about the desire to help others with the blessings we've been given. I headed over to the website ...