A book is born! (Actually four).

This is the first of four books that are being launched next year! When I discovered my love for writing, I was about 4 or 5. In school, my first essay was, "I like corn!" I think it was the teacher that had us write about something we liked or disliked. I have always had books in my head that just need to be written. Neecy and Nay Nay book series came from my very own life as an identical twin. I was called Neecy as a child and my twin sister was Nay Nay so it was a given that the books would be called Neecy and Nay Nay. I won't put out any spoilers of the books but I can attest to the hilarious adventures, so so true of our lives growing up as twins. Neecy, is a doctor wanna be and loves big words. That is me to a T. I love learning about surgical techniques and I will even test on some techniques online because I'm so fascinated. I also love, love big words so the books will always have a glossary of big words at the end of each book. The twins are adventurous, he...