My twin sis and I have bucket lists. The funny thing is that they aren't literally on paper. They are in our heads. For instance, my Nay Nay called me and said, "You won 't believe what I did! I got big girl shoes…for my bucket list." "Really? Big girl shoes?" I asked. I knew exactly what she meant. When we were born, and back in the day when braces could or should be recommended for feet that in-toed, we weren't given that joy. As a result, walking in high heels can often be a challenge. My Nay Nay decided that she was going to cross off one thing on that bucket list and found a deal of 10 pairs of heels. (Not one but 10. She went for the gusto.) Each day, she practiced walking in her big girl shoes until the moment finally came and she ROCKED those heels! Together we have decided that we WILL cross off stuff on our growing bucket lists. Some of those things are on both of our lists while others are our very own "personal" bucket lists...
This is our week with Baby Boo and it's been fun, fun!! She is for the most part, easy going. I started her on asking for a bowl of bubbles (just to keep her entertained). I'll be washing the dishes and fill up a little bowl with dishwater bubbles. She walks around the house blowing them off of her fingers and then comes back for more.
Gotta love those slobbery kisses!
Each week, there is a word that she over uses. Last week was,"like this?" She said that all day long. This week it's, "Huh?" Every response begins with a "huh?"
She is a heart stealer for sure like her daddy, my Boo is.