Secret Santa Surprises

THANK YOU....dear sweet secret santa....
I LOVE all that you surprised me with! The Oprah and Oprah Home magazine subscription will be read over and over again. I am such a magazine junkie and those are two that I don't subscribe to.
The Christmas scrapbook is beautiful. Did you make it? I can't wait to start filling it up with memories of our Christmas this year.
I enjoy Francine Rivers as an author so of course, I was thrilled to get the book, Redeeming Love. I'll have to make sure there are no interruptions while reading.
Last but not least, the ornament, Strawberry Margarita is adorable! I will hang her on my tree with memories of having a terrific Secret Santa...
Now...I just have one question....WHO ARE YOU????? I'm totally not good at guessing so can you please reveal yourself so I can thank you by name as well???
Now if your SSS reveals herself I will have a coronary.....LOL let the fun begin of trying to figure out who she is ;-)
Note to self...go shopping, SSS time is running out!
You got some great stuff!! Enjoy!
I'm here via the SSS!
I posted about my package today!