Conversations with a two year old

When Baby Boo and I are hanging together, I have to remind myself that she is only two. In fact, she just turned two in March. Yet, we have real conversations. They may not be the most intellectual chats but I'm impressed with her skills of back and forth banter. Here's our conversation today:
BB: Momo, I love you. You love me? I love youme.
Momo: I love you too, Baby Boo.
BB: I love me too, Momo.
BB: Momo, doing?
Me: Driving.
BB: I not driving. I sitting.
Seconds later...
BB: Doing?
Me: I'm driving. We're going to the store.
BB: We buy cookies? Fwench fies?
Me: No. Milk.
BB: I like milk, Momo. You like milk?
Not waiting for reply...
BB: See my dress? (She tugs on it to show me).
Me: It's beautiful. You're beautiful in your dress.
BB: You booful too, Momo. I got hair. See my hair?
Me: Yes. You have pretty hair.
Later at home...
BB: I have eyes. (Stretching them down.) Bending down to move the dog, Sam's fur away from his face....
Where's Sammy's eyes? He no have eyes!
Me: He has one eye. The other eye is gone. He hurt himself so he only has one eye.
BB moves away from Sam and inspects him careful.
BB: Sighs...Sammy has no eyes.
These are the conversations that we have all day long. I LOVE it. I'm so glad that we can talk about little things that mean a lot to her and of course, are not relatively deep or heavy weighted. Sometimes talking about what crayon to use to color with seems to be more important than the state of the U.S. The only communication gap we have at the moment is sometimes misunderstanding one another. This evening, for instance, while watching Yo Gabba Gabba, she says, "I wan bopob." So I assume she wants a lollipop since some kid on tv is running around with a balloon in his hand and maybe it reminds her of a lollipop. I tell her that she can't have's gross..not good for her, etc. She says it again. Then again. Finally, I'm starting to think that she isn't asking for a lollipop after all. Three minutes go by with her repeating, "I wan bopob." Then, it hits me. She is asking to watch, "Sponge Bob." So much for our communicating!
I'm in no rush for deeper topics. With her communication skills, I predict we'll be there in no time!
You never know what they come up with. I love it how each topic they initiate is of the utmost importance. :)
Justine :o )
Those are the moments that make you forget about the world and the bad things that happen in it.