Dream a little dream

As I drove to the store, Baby Boo was in her carseat and all of a sudden she says, "Look Momo! Our mountain! I go with you. You hold my hands, k? We climb it together and then we say, (cupping her hands over her mouth) "hello down there!" I echoed her. "Hellooooo down there!" Dreaming with Baby Boo means sometimes imaginary dreams that may never come true but yet, mean a lot to her. It never fails when we pass the mountains surrounding us (we live in a cove), she points to "our mountain" and reminds me that one day, we will climb it together. Dreams are wishes on steroids. When you wish for something, it may or not happen, but when you dream of something, in all of your power, you do what you can to make it happen. Unfortunately, though, dreams can hit a roadblock. It may not be the right time or maybe not even meant to happen. When I was still married, I dreamed of having another baby. I wanted that more than anything. Yet, infertility hit so we went...