Creative Saturday Revisited
What a terrific Saturday it was and busy too. But, it was all good because I had the perfect reasons to create. Both Married Boo and Son in Boo have birthdays in September and they each had one birthday request...Married Boo wanted homemade cinnamon rolls.

I made over 3 dozen using a recipe that is similar to Cinnabon's.
Son in Boo wanted one thing...a strawberry rhubarb pie. I have NEVER made one of those and never even tasted one. I read up on different recipes and viola! He was sure happy when he tasted it.

Creating comes in many forms and being one of those forms so when I cook, I cook with my loved ones in mind. It makes my heart smile when they are yumming over the food that I prepare.
Awhile back, I created cornhusk dolls that were personalized according to the person that was receiving it. I did quite a few for wedding gifts. I sold a few on Ebay. Here is one that I have kept.

Did you have a Creative Saturday?
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Your corn husk dolls are fabulous...aren't you glad you kept some for yourself?
Now, yes, aside from sharing the creative work of a friend and creating a post about it, I did some work in my art journal...I painted two pages in acrylics and did some ghost writing on those pages and then played with some watercolours on a few more pages. I think sat down with scissors and starting cutting up all the magazines I've been saving for ages so I can use them in a vision board.
I scrapbooked for my creative saturday! :o)
But you had my attention at homemade cinnamon buns! YUM-MMY!!!!
My Saturday was pretty mellow, not very creative, but relaxing.
Hope your week is good!
Have a great week!!!
Your corn husk dolls are ADORABLE!
Have a great week~
Simone's got talent!!!
Remember I said I was going to join you on Creative Saturdays? I was looking for my ceramics and realized the good ones are at my mom's. I will be sure to photograph them when I next visit my hometown.
Your cinnamon buns and strawberry rhubarb pie are TO DIE FOR!! I can almost smell the yummy-ness wafting out of my computer screen!
I created cards on Sunday with a friend. We had a great time!
The Cinnabon style recipe?
I double clicked on the pic to get a better look and YES MA'AM..I want you to share!!!! Or is it top secret?
*waiting on pins and needles*
The cinnamon rolls and pie look marvelous. The pictures made my mouth water.