First, I have to say thanks for the word verification fun. You all are GOOD! I'm seriously thinking about writing a word verification dictionary. :)
Have you ever saw someone that you weren't sure you could trust? Maybe they were grungy or dirty or appeared to be a thug or uneducated or dangerous? Do you tend to stick with people who on the outside appear to be "safe"? But, are they really safe?
My mind is going in a lot of directions as I piece together thoughts as they come. I have been thinking about my pitbull, Humble. I've talked about him and you know that he has a special place in my heart like my two shih tzus do. Yet, his breed is considered "unsafe" or a "bully breed that mauls or kills". Stick with me on this....

Do you know how many people who have promise of being more than what they are, are considered, unsafe? But do you know that it's not what is on the outside that makes them safe or unsafe but what's on the inside? Case in point, one of the serial killers, Ted Bundy was what I would consider, a very trustworthy (from appearances) type of guy. That's not the kind of guy that most people would consider to be a serial killer, yet, he was.
What most people see in Humble is a breed that kills or destroys or hurts people. What isn't taken into consideration is that it's the dog that lacks training, love, attention and even proper diet, rest and exercise that is a threat to anyone, anywhere. Even a chihuahua can be a threat given those circumstances. Yet, how many gems are being put to sleep, neglected, cast aside, that have purpose, have meaning and need love?
I can relate this same thing to humans. Do you trust someone that is dressed explicatively and drives a fancy car over someone that lives in a drug infested neighborhood and drives a beat up in need of a muffler car?
Jesus spent time with those folks that drove hoopties with loud mufflers. He didn't stay away from them and hang only with the folks that were dressed in the latest fashions. God's love overrides the teen who just found she's pregnant and the parents are embarrassed to admit it to the church congregation. God's love overrides the scorn that comes to someone who walks into a grocery store to buy a sandwich to eat and is 22 cents short. God's love overrides those parents who've just about given up on their kids and their drug or alcohol addictions.
Whatever you do...and as you look for ways to reach out or pay it forward, take a chance and reach out to the least of these...someone that is not "safe".
Trust me, the love you give back in return is immeasurable.
Have you ever saw someone that you weren't sure you could trust? Maybe they were grungy or dirty or appeared to be a thug or uneducated or dangerous? Do you tend to stick with people who on the outside appear to be "safe"? But, are they really safe?
My mind is going in a lot of directions as I piece together thoughts as they come. I have been thinking about my pitbull, Humble. I've talked about him and you know that he has a special place in my heart like my two shih tzus do. Yet, his breed is considered "unsafe" or a "bully breed that mauls or kills". Stick with me on this....

Do you know how many people who have promise of being more than what they are, are considered, unsafe? But do you know that it's not what is on the outside that makes them safe or unsafe but what's on the inside? Case in point, one of the serial killers, Ted Bundy was what I would consider, a very trustworthy (from appearances) type of guy. That's not the kind of guy that most people would consider to be a serial killer, yet, he was.
What most people see in Humble is a breed that kills or destroys or hurts people. What isn't taken into consideration is that it's the dog that lacks training, love, attention and even proper diet, rest and exercise that is a threat to anyone, anywhere. Even a chihuahua can be a threat given those circumstances. Yet, how many gems are being put to sleep, neglected, cast aside, that have purpose, have meaning and need love?
I can relate this same thing to humans. Do you trust someone that is dressed explicatively and drives a fancy car over someone that lives in a drug infested neighborhood and drives a beat up in need of a muffler car?
Jesus spent time with those folks that drove hoopties with loud mufflers. He didn't stay away from them and hang only with the folks that were dressed in the latest fashions. God's love overrides the teen who just found she's pregnant and the parents are embarrassed to admit it to the church congregation. God's love overrides the scorn that comes to someone who walks into a grocery store to buy a sandwich to eat and is 22 cents short. God's love overrides those parents who've just about given up on their kids and their drug or alcohol addictions.
Whatever you do...and as you look for ways to reach out or pay it forward, take a chance and reach out to the least of these...someone that is not "safe".
Trust me, the love you give back in return is immeasurable.

Have a glorious Wednesday, girl!!!
This post rings so true in every way. My best friend was once quite afraid of a rough looking stranger in a parking lot, who offered to help her when her car wouldn't start...they've been married for seven years now!
Conversely, we once allowed a trusted long-time friend who was down on his luck to live with us for a few months. I trusted my children alone with him. We gave him a key. Turned out he was a cocaine addict and stole us blind.
And what about Phillip Garrido, the "God-fearing man" who had his own ministry and handed out religious pamphlets on college campuses...and had kidnapped an 11-year old girl and kept her as his sex slave in his backyard for 18 years?
Appearances and long-held beliefs certainly can be be misleading.
Great post!
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
This is a great analogy and the perfect reason why as Christians we need to push up our sleeves and get dirty and be with people where they are hurting not waiting for them to show up at the churches doorsteps!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Tough call but great post Simone!
Just like a book, never judge by a cover.