The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow
Betcha bottom dollar there'll be sunnnn...
It is 2:22 a.m. and that song is running through my head. Why??
Years ago, when Married Boo was two years old, she developed a fondness for this movie:

She not only watched the video at least three times a day but wore a raggedy looking dress and "dressy" (tacky) shoes without socks because she thought that Annie was so cool.
She would get up in the morning, grab an apple and turn on the VCR (at two years old) and watch Annie.
It's now coming back at me in the form of Baby Boo. She can't get enough of watching Annie. Yesterday she watched Annie at least 6 times. (Not consecutively...but with major interruptions.) Forget Sponge Bob! He's been replaced at the moment!
Boo was watching sports when Baby Boo "asked politely" to watch Annie. He said, "Daddy is watching sports...." What did she do? She cried big tears.
Boo, being the daddy he is, gave her access to her precious video once again. What a guy!
I reminded him that this too shall pass but in the meantime, "tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow....."
PS--The Used Book Giveaway is happening again this week so keep an eye out.
It is 2:22 a.m. and that song is running through my head. Why??
Years ago, when Married Boo was two years old, she developed a fondness for this movie:

She not only watched the video at least three times a day but wore a raggedy looking dress and "dressy" (tacky) shoes without socks because she thought that Annie was so cool.
She would get up in the morning, grab an apple and turn on the VCR (at two years old) and watch Annie.
It's now coming back at me in the form of Baby Boo. She can't get enough of watching Annie. Yesterday she watched Annie at least 6 times. (Not consecutively...but with major interruptions.) Forget Sponge Bob! He's been replaced at the moment!
Boo was watching sports when Baby Boo "asked politely" to watch Annie. He said, "Daddy is watching sports...." What did she do? She cried big tears.
Boo, being the daddy he is, gave her access to her precious video once again. What a guy!
I reminded him that this too shall pass but in the meantime, "tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow....."
PS--The Used Book Giveaway is happening again this week so keep an eye out.
It's so cute how Baby Boo gets attached to the video. They do want to watch the same thing over and over, don't they? :)
it's addictive!!!
Criminy, now I'M gonna be singing that soundtrack all day! Thanks, Simone and Baby Boo!! There's tons of good songs in that show. I think it is coming or is in Chicago for a short run--I thought I saw something about that. I may have to go catch it onstage now. :)
Waiting on the book give away...yay!!
Hugs, andrea
- Lisa
God bless and the sun 'ell come out tomorrorw.......
Our house with through the same thing with Annie. Our daughter at least 25 years ago, she adored her. She got a pair of house slippers that she wore thread bare because they were her Annie slippers. Even had little Annies on the toes. OMG does this post ever bring out the days. We were all tired of Annie by the time she finally outdrew her. DD even had an Annie doll that they made at the time. It was like a Barbie doll and she carried her everywhere she went.
It is one of my favorite musicals though. Performed so beautifully. I adore it.
Thanks for the memories sweetie. Have a beautiful Tuesday. Country hugs...Sherry
I'm sure by know you know it word for word, inside out. Hang in there CCD.
My husband has resolved that he doesn't have any control over the tv while the kids are awake.