Said by a Three Year Old

I've relived the embarrassment of a three year old all over again. Baby Boo and I were shopping at Walmart. I think that is the worst store for embarrassing moments with her and I. This elderly lady passes by in a pair of leopard print pants and Baby Boo points to her and says, "Momo, why she wearing that? That pants? Ewww, that's ugly." I was mortified. I scolded her immediately and told her that it wasn't nice to make someone feel bad by what she said. Her reply? "Well, I still don't like it."
Said to Boo after kissing Baby Boo, "Daddy, you need to shave that hair on your mouth. It hurts my face."
Baby Boo announces at the table, "I farted. I always fart when I eat." She sniffs for a minute and says, "It don't smell, it went in the seat."
Said to Single Boo who was reading her a story about a boy milking a cow, "Why is that boy making that cow pee in that bowl?"
After taking my picture with her Mickey Mouse camera, I asked if I looked like Mickey Mouse. She said, "You don't look like Mickey Mouse, you look like Momo."
I love when they make little discoveries too. She wanted to know where her ice went after because it disappeared in her cup. She accused the dogs of eating her ice. I explained to her that it melted and turned into water. She thought the concept was the coolest thing and does nothing but talk about it.
Then there was the time she told a guy in line that he was stinky...I shushed her and apologized and she said loudly "buy he NEEDS a shower mom" - UGH!!!!
Ummm...yeah...I got really good at cutting her off for fear she'd let something like that slip out again!LOL!
And is that pecan divinity Baby Boo is making? Looks divine!
Peace, Love and Chocolate
Please help me spread the word of a sister in Christ who so desperately needs help with a limited amount of time left.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
BTW, I posted a pic of one of my ceramic pieces today.
Happy Wednesday, Simone!
We've all been through the embarrassing moments. When Godson was her age we were at a doctor appt. and when the doc walked in Godson turned and asked my-- "Why's he so fat." Oy.
Did Single Boo explain about the cow peeing into the bowl?
Have a beautiful day!
K xx --
I will have to be certain to curb my leopard pant wearing when I am around her :) can embarrass her with them when she gets to those hormonal years.
I hope she continues to be curious and honest - even in the Walmart. lol