Pity Party

The idea was born when one night, I lie awake in bed, thinking of all the things that I left behind and found tears running down my face. I knew that I couldn't take all of my things with me as I moved to a new state but it sure hurt to think of all of those things that I gave up. I decided that I needed to give myself a pity party - a formal pity party. Single Boo loved the idea and joined in planning the pity party.

We wrote down all the things that we left behind from friends to dishes to furniture.

We laughed, danced, sang, blew bubbles, and talked about the things that we are pitying. At times, there was laughter and other times, I felt a sense of sadness and longing still for what used to be but wasn't anymore.

Even the dogs got in on the pity party.

Selah decided to let it all hang out as she pondered over the missed opportunities of eating 10 treats a day from going in and out of the pet door.

Sam decided to have his own private pity party missing Married Boo and his toys that got left behind.

We lit candles on our chocolate cookie dough bites (without any eggs) and so delicious!

We lit our candles ready to ignite and bring to an end, the pity party.

As we watched the flames consume all that we had left behind, I felt re-ignited once again. It felt good to give ourselves the time to take a hard look at the things we often pitied ourselves for. In fact, we've decided that we need to make this the first of many pity parties. Who knows? Maybe will start a trend that others will soon catch hold of. Because when it comes down to it....


ethelmaepotter! said…
Oh honey, your little pity party was long overdue! Honestly, I don't know how you've done it - picking up and moving and leaving SOOOOO MUCH behind. I've thought of you often, and what a strong woman you are. But even the strongest have to throw themselves a little pity party every now and then!
Mari said…
What a great idea! Kind of a chance to really let yourself mourn what you left behind. Like Ethel Mae said - you are a strong woman!
Buckeroomama said…
Sometimes we all need to do something symbolic to get past certain things. :)
MissKris said…
And now it's time to have a "Count Your Blessings" party. From one end of the spectrum to the other. And I'm sure the blessings will far outweigh the pity, sister friend.
Brian Miller said…
nice. bet that was a freeing ceremony....
Mandy said…
Next time, I want an invitation! :-) What a grand idea. Love it. I've been having one this week as well. We all need to do it from time to time. Good for you.
I love the way ya'll just dove right in and celebrated your pity with treats, fire and all. What a great idea for closure of the things left behind.

I totally unite with others in sayin' you are one strong lady!

Ya'll have a blessed day filled with new adventures.
XmasDolly said…
Okay, now that that's behind you give yourself a good pat on the back, and how do you do you've made through the tough times, now let's make through the good times! You have many friends here in cyberspace I can see because one of those good friends is me! HUGS! Dolly
Andrea said…

PS: Thank you for being you!!
What a great idea. And I agree that it should be followed up with a gratitude party. Most of all you have your creativity and imagination. Thanks for shariung it.
Diva's Thoughts said…
I absolutely love this idea!!
Anonymous said…
What an awesome idea!
Fragrant Liar said…
Definitely times you need a pity party before you jump back up on that horse and gallop off.

Pity I wasn't there to join you!
Heart2Heart said…

Oh I love this idea. SO many times, I don't think we ever allow ourselves the time to grieve over the little things in life that make us happy at one point but no longer have. This is a nice way to put it all to rest.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Reyna said…
I love that idea!

I plan on having one - I don't know when, but like birthdays and holidays they are predictable and I'm sure a need will eventually arise.

I love your spirit about it all.
How fun!

I need to read back to when and why you made the move.

It sounds like you have been accepting and that you are listening to yourself when it is hard.
Good for you!
That is how we heal.
Joanna Jenkins said…
I love that your candles were stars :-)
This is a fabulous idea and one that I can think of many times over the years I could have used.
You are an amazing and brave woman Simone. I take my hat off to you.
Hang in there. xoxoxo jj
Ina in Alaska said…
OK now.... NO MORE PITY PARTIES!!! Celebrate "out with the old" and IN with NEW POSSIBILITIES! Pity parties will only bring you down, not uplift you. Truth, spoken with love. xoxoxo
Cute cute cute! But you know it's true...when my friends and I start to really pity ourselves normally we end up laughing at how ridiculous we are! Great idea to do so formally! By the by... I love the name of your blog!!Humm...perfect! (Think I'll go make a cup of hot chocolate now and get to daydreaming!)
Come by and visit me at my history blog - I have a feeling you will like it! (It's about St. Nicholas!)
Deidra said…
I'm so glad you just went with it. Sometimes a good ole pity party is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Ash said…
pity party got a nice ring to it. hope you're feeling better. {{hugs}}

~ash's mum
Anonymous said…
If it's any consolation, your new home is simply gorgeous.
Yes do love the idea of a pity party...I need one sometimes?? glad you had one!
Lin said…
I like how you acknowledged and embraced your feelings of sadness and then set forward to freeing yourselves. There is nothing achieved without some sacrifice, but it still hurts realizing what you have lost or given up. I hope with time that you can replace those things, or realize what you have gained now in your new life. Hugs, pally. I see you growing stronger every day! And while there will be some setbacks, you know you are going to be okay. Well....I do, even if you don't feel like it today. ;)
Unknown said…
Love this idea! And it looks like it was lots of fun too.
Anonymous said…
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