A Girl and Her Treasure

You all know me - I like surprises, especially ones that I have forgotten about. One of many best parts about being a pastor's wife is the trinkets and goodies that I get handed to me. Last Sunday, a precious little one who has taken to me as much as I like her, told me that she likes collecting sticks. I asked her if she would do me a favor and bring me a stick, a wonderful, beautiful stick. Yesterday, I hear footsteps running in church. "Ms. Simone! Ms. Simone! I got your stick!" This little princess, all of 5 years old, remembered her promise to bring me a stick. The smile on her face was priceless. She made my day but I think I made hers more! She danced from foot to foot. As I prepared for church to start, all I could think about was that little one's precious treasure for me. If only I had the same giving spirit in giving things. Not only would there be a whole lot of sticks being handed to the people I meet but smiles and maybe a dance from foot to foot to...