8 seconds
I can't understand how or why things happen the way they do. But what I do know now is no matter what happens, life goes on. I was discharged from the hospital yesterday and not wanting to sound overly dramatic, still recovering from the trauma. I went in with chest pains and during the course of those chest pains, my heart stopped. 8 seconds where my heart flat-lined and I was "gone". When I was brought back, I looked for J. I needed to know he was close by. I needed his calm assurance that it was going to be okay. Next, I tried to process what happened while I was gone. I know for sure that while I was struggling, life was going on for everyone around me. All across the blogging world, in countries everywhere, life was going on. The world wasn't changed by what I was experiencing but I decided that I was going to change things as a result of what I experienced. I can't describe, what I felt. There are no words yet. I'm not even sure I'm quite up to makin...