Monday, October 7, 2024

The Good Ol' Days

When my twin sister and I were little, we used to play what we called, "Girl". It was mainly us imitating our mom and her friends as they went shopping together, cooked together, had coffee together. We would get our teddy bears and hold them in our arms, while planning our pretend vacation, shopping and figuring out what to fix for dinner. "Girl, what are you making for dinner? I'm making spaghetti. The kids will eat that and so will my honey." In our world of make believe, life was simple without complications. We could travel to the Grand Canyon in our self-powered motorhome which read maps and got us there. (Who knew that we were actually inventing GPS and self-driven cars?

Sometimes, I reflect on those times and wish life was simple once again. Laughter would come easily. Fun could be found in hopscotch or watch The Little Rascals or the Partridge Family or the Brady Bunch. Coloring in color books, chewing a flavorful piece of bubble gum and riding in the car with the windows rolled down - pure joy!

I am thankful for the memories. In spite of the tough things in life, I can always look back on wax lips, the Flinstones, comic books and yo-yos.

Do you have any nostalgic memories that make you smile? Share it here!!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Scene from the front row of church

As a pastor's wife, I have a front row view. What does that mean? I get the privilege of seeing my husband and pastor, live out his calling. But even beyond the front row, I get a backstage view too. I see the times he is wide awake, praying for the church, the church family, the community and our family. I see the days where he wants to sleep in a bit but instead, gets up to head to the church. I see him as his trusts God to meet the financial needs of the church even when giving is low. Being a pastor's wife is filled with love,joy, concern, enthusiasm, weariness, surprises, laughter. Oh there is laughter. Like the one Sunday, Pastor J was doing communion and totally forgot that he hadn't distributed the wafers and grape juice. He was getting ready to put the wafer in his mouth after praying. I locked eyes and said loudly, "Ppppssst! Psst!" I waved my hand to catch his gaze and said, "Babe!" His response was, "What!?!" I laughed because he responded like he would if we were at home and in our comfortable voices. I said, "We didn't get our communion wafers!" The church had a good laugh at that one. Another time, he called the worship team up to sing one last song. He prayed and then dismissed. I said, "Babe, we didn't sing our song." He apologized but by that time, church was dismissed. I remember a time when he was really feeling under the weather. He played it off well but I could see that he was definitely trying to hold it together. Church dismissed and we went home and he went straight to bed. The most favorite moments are me whispering in his ear right before he goes up to preach, "I'm a big girl now!" because I mastered going down the steps from the stage on my own. :) More than anything, I feel honored to sit by his side. Hold his hand and pray for him. He is joy but even more to our heavenly Father, he is His!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That

I’m quite fascinated by different cultures. To learn more of the traditions, the language, the people is intriguing. I have Korean friends that encouraged me to not only learn to make Korean food but to also learn the language. Learning Hangul kicked me a bit. I can read a bit, speak some but not enough to carry on a conversation. But I’m determined to get better at it. Recently, I hung out with my daughter and we decided to try a little bit of this and that at the local Korean market. I think we were there for 2 hours as we oohed and aahed over different foods and produce. We decided to try whatever sparked our curiosities. We tried pajeon (a pancake like delight) which I really liked. It definitely was nothing like the traditional American pancakes. Much more savory. We also tried jjinppang which is a fluffy steamed bun with red bean paste, seaweed salad, sausage norim which was sausage, rice and seaweed – tasty. We also had lychee and rambutan – a cute fruit with spikes on the outside but sweet and juicy inside. We couldn’t resist the various Korean style Lays potato chips and of course, ramen. I would love to hear about the foods you have tried from different cultures. I’m excited to hear about it!
This isn't the food we ate but a big, delicious assortment of delight!!

Friday, August 9, 2024

If this were a Olympic Sport....

If barking were an Olympic sport...Bo would win the gold medal! If singing random and made up songs were an Olympic sport, I would win a gold medal. If lifting Bo into the car when we have to go somewhere was an Olympic sport, Pastor J would get a gold medal. If going to bed right at 8:00 pm was an Olympic sport, Zoie would get a gold medal.
If doing laundry were an Olympic sport, Pastor J would get a gold medal. How about you? What would your gold medal be in?

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Life Changes versus Life changes

It's all a matter of perspective. The picture above brings vivid memories of my love for the ocean but almost a memory. It has been my place to come alive and breathe again. Years ago, when going through a divorce, my daughter took me to Newport and for the first time in a long time, I laughed and smiled again. Pastor J has this keen sense when I need to get close to the ocean to breathe again. A few years ago, my excitement for the ocean changed. We were walking hand in hand. I remember Pastor J saying, "Never turn your back on the waves." I got closer to feel the water on my feet while noticing another lady enjoying the ocean the way I was. I said to Pastor J, "See, I have a sea sister." We smiled and I continued to enjoy the waves. Then, a sneaker way took me under. Before I knew it, I was held down by the force, as it tumbled me out. I felt Pastor J trying to pull me but he was losing from the strength of the waves. I knew that soon, I would be swept so far that I would be swallowed up by the waves. It was a miracle as two men, out of nowhere (the beach was deserted) went into the water and pulled me out. I believe they were angels as I didn't see them there before and they left before I could thank them. This changed how I view the ocean. Yes, it's so beautiful but it's powerful and I have to admit, scary. It has taken me baby steps to want to get close enough to feel the water on my feet again. That's how life can often be. We can be headed in a direction that feels just right and WHOOSH! It suddenly changes right before our eyes. In those changes, we find the courage to come up out of the water and breathe again. Even through the storms, Jesus Christ is my anchor!

Monday, June 24, 2024

A Girl and Her Treasure

You all know me - I like surprises, especially ones that I have forgotten about. One of many best parts about being a pastor's wife is the trinkets and goodies that I get handed to me. Last Sunday, a precious little one who has taken to me as much as I like her, told me that she likes collecting sticks. I asked her if she would do me a favor and bring me a stick, a wonderful, beautiful stick. Yesterday, I hear footsteps running in church. "Ms. Simone! Ms. Simone! I got your stick!" This little princess, all of 5 years old, remembered her promise to bring me a stick. The smile on her face was priceless. She made my day but I think I made hers more! She danced from foot to foot. As I prepared for church to start, all I could think about was that little one's precious treasure for me. If only I had the same giving spirit in giving things. Not only would there be a whole lot of sticks being handed to the people I meet but smiles and maybe a dance from foot to foot too. What is an unexpected gift you've been given? Please share!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Finding Joy in Spite of Loss

When I think the many, incredible, amazing, unusual, horrifying, exciting, loss for words moments in my life the last few years, I'm speechless. Those of you that know me know that that isn't very often that I'm speechless. I can't wrap my mind around loss. I lost my mom, then my dad. I lost my godmother, a second mom to me, an aunt who also help raise me and my sisters. Then came the loss of a deep friendship. But even though there has been loss, there have been so many blessings to rejoice over. Pastor J pastors a church where we truly love the church family. We have the joy of ministry together. We have a wonderful neighborhood in the small community we live. And get this, four children's chapter books getting published next year. I have joy in the simple things. Watching my peonies bloom, hearing the wind blowing through the trees, working a puzzle, creating artistic masterpieces, cheering my love on and snuggling up with our 75 pound labradoodle and pint sized Havanese princess. I'm finding joy in place of sorrow. Why? Because in the loss, I realize it's not goodbye but "see you later". And for that I am content and joyful.

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