Mystery Solved
Sleepless nights.... tossing... turning... wondering if the creature was going to crawl or stomp on my face.... instead, he was caught red handed. I opened the door to the attic storage to "show" Jarebear Boo what the creature had been doing. I pointed to his destruction while she peered over my shoulder. All of a sudden, before our very eyes, the biggest, humongous rat peeked up over the nativity he was busy preparing for demolition. He had the nerve to wave (well, it appeared to me that he did) and then casually and I really do mean, casually, walked away. The creature was the size of a kitten. Jarebear Boo and I did what came natural. We screamed. LOUD! Needless to say, all 8 of the kids plus J, came running. But, he faded away into the abyss. The creatures that live in our houses and lives sometimes loom quietly, waiting for the right moment to appear. Sometimes, doubt brings out the creature or even disappointment or discontentment. The only way the creature will survive...