I'm Guessing...

Who my Secret Santa is…

She so carefully left a hint. It was a subtle hint…a Q in the corner of the card. I tried to figure out if there was anyone who’s blog started with a Q and I found it!

I found QallieQ. Then, I noticed on the box that the postmark was Petaluma, CA. Aha! Another giveaway!!!!

So, after putting those two clues together, and the fact that she loves scrapbooking and gave me a gorgeous scrapbook, my guess is…..

QAllieQ (Mrs. Cupcake)

Thank you for sending me such special gifts. I appreciate it more than you know!!!


Debz said…
Nope your wrong!! It was me!!

just kidding (hee hee hee)

I am still playing PI with my SS. I'm not giving up though.
Julie D said…
Damn, I'm still shopping for mine! LOL
Helga Marie Bee said…
I put a Q?

Guess we will have to blame hubby for that one.

I thought the clue was Francine Rivers, she is from around here...

Hubby told me that was too vague, glad you like them Simone, Merry Early Christmas.

tiki_lady said…
love how she gave you subtle hints and your gifts!

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