My weekend haps

It started out with an office party at a spa resort but there wasn't any spa-ing or resorting. It was at an exquisite place but the food was questionable. Usually, the company gives pretty good gifts but with the economy being a bummer, we all got coffee mugs with our names etched on them. Nice but the green would've been even nicer!!!

Saturday, my ex came up to have dinner with our daughter. He came a bit on the early side since her lunch break wasn't for another 3 hours. (How did he become an early bird???) Since he had my puppy with him, he came here for me to spend time with her. Funny, the little poopsie totally dissed me! She has fallen in love with him and trotted in with her head held high and when it was time to leave, climbed in her "spot" on his lap in his Corvette.

He and I went out for drinks and to talk. Thankfully, the conversation was pleasant and nothing about our marriage or relationships now. I didn't want to go there. He did slip and called me "Babe" at least three times. He used to call me that when we were married. I guess old habits die hard.

He was a big help getting my stereo speakers plugged in right and fixing a few other things. For a moment...just for a quick moment...I missed him and us. The day after Christmas would've been our 23rd wedding anniversary so yes...this time of year is always very, very hard for me.



travel girl said…
I don't know you history but I think when you have been with somone for so long and it doesn't work out, there is always a part of you that will miss them.

Hang in there.
Anonymous said…
Nice that you can still talk though, and you know your poopsie is happy too.

You got married on Boxing Day too? My parents did - 50 years ago, I have always wondered why you would get married at such a busy time of year?
i stopped in from a friends blog...and i was just praying about how hard this time of year can be for so many. when i was a single mom, it was not my prayers are sincere for you. and on a totally unrelated note, i love ur little blog! love the forrest gump tag line...and the colors! fabulous!!!
tiki_lady said…
so glad you had a pleasant visit with your ex. 23 years would have been long but 22 years is long! Keep lines of communication open and expectations low. Glad you got to see the pooch.
Julie D said…
Awwww. You know, I felt your feelings all the way here in Ohio. I slip and call my ex "honey" all the time. It is just a habit. It's nice that you could talk to each other and be friendly. I hope it felt better than it hurt.
Unknown said…
My soon to be ex hubby calls me babe on occassion.. I just call him jackass! lol
Chin up, my love. It's good that you guys have the relationship where you can be civil... for this, you should be grateful. Try not to let it get you down.
Lost Soul said…
I think there will always be a little hole after something like that. You get used to people being in your lives in certain ways.
My ex did that "babe" thing to me all the time. I finally had to tell him to seriously get a grip. it was a mind game. So glad he can still help and you are okay without him.
tangerine: said…
it's okay mommy, i missed "you both" too.
Deb said…
I'm sorry for your mixed bag of feelings. I'm sure it isn't fun.

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