Terrible Two's Revisited

Seeing that I'm madly in love with Boo and Baby Boo comes as the bonus baby, I have decided that I need to take Extra Strength No Doze when she's here. I have never seen a kid get into so much! Hurricane Baby Boo is here!

The latest fixation aside from the love for lotion (eating it included) is turning the lights off and on. I was beginning to think I was in a disco. From there, she became Baby Acrobat and climbed up one chair and to fly head first off of it. Her medal??? Red from getting her face scraped!

The next event was a marathon fish eating contest. Not the real kind but the cracker variety. After shoving 20 crackers in her mouth, she decided to laugh. If you can imagine what half chewed fish looked like flying out of her mouth...well...not a pretty sight!

Next was her attempt to do her own laundry in the dog's water dish. Thank God Sam has no problem with sharing.

Trying to pack has also been fun. She now has decided that everything is trash and should be thrown away.

Please pass the Benadryl! LOL


Jill said…
I can't stop laughing because I experienced that with Goldfish with my daughter Gianna just yesterday she was stuffing them in her mouth and then pretending to sneeze and spitting them out! aaaaCHOOO! then a big mess and boy did she think she was funny! Today was her climbing up on everything and then screaming HELP!! All day we played that game! oh.. the 2's... it's almost 3 years old for her when will it stOP????
Anonymous said…
Stop? It doesn't, it just morphs into something equally irritating but with more mouth!

I have a cupboard full of headache tablets!
Pancake said…
Sounds like fun times though!
Unknown said…
LOL...nope i doesnt stop it just gets more,worse(maybe),different
(((HUGS))) sounds like you need one
Julie D said…
OMG, LOL...funniest visual I've had today!
travel girl said…
My son did the same thing with wheat thins.
Totally gross!!

how old is lil boo?
tiki_lady said…
rofl, i love it. here's your benedryl. you are too funny.
Anonymous said…
LOL she sounds so cute though!

LW's daughter, who is 9, is facinated with lotion!!! She's always putting it on at my house. So I bought her a whole bunch to take home (she likes this lavendar Johnson and Johnson kind I have).
Veronica Lee said…
That's the funniest post I read today.
Baby Boo is 21 months old. Her favorite lotion to eat is the Johnson and Johnson Lavendar. It's supposed to calm her down but it's reverse!!
Deb said…
That is hilarious...and cute. I'm not nearly as cute when I stuff my mouth with goldfish crackers.
Veronica Lee said…
Hi again! I have a friendship award for you !
Vegas Linda Lou said…
Wow, that's gotta be quite an adjustment to have a baby around.

The guy I'm seeing has three kids; the youngest is 4. My kids are almost 30 and 31! (He started late; I started early.)

But, wow--21 months! Great that you're adjusting so well.

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