Jilted by Chicken Soup

As long as I am Black, I will never read another Chicken Soup for the ….. book. My sister and I were jilted big time! Three years ago. We worked our butts off to get a book proposal in to the publishers. The book idea was Chicken Soup for Twins and Multiples. We would be the authors. The proposal was carefully laid out as was their requirements. We received a letter that stated that they were appreciative of our proposal but not interested in using the idea.

March 10th, the book Chicken Soup for Twins and More will be published. Most of the chapters and outlines belonged to my sister and I. We were jilted by Chicken Soup. But, what made it easy for them to “steal” the idea was that there is a three year spectrum of time where they aren’t able to utilize any book proposal ideas and then after that, null and void.

Their next publication should be Chicken Soup for the Thieves Soul.


Sandi said…
You are kidding me! I will boycott right along with you! That SUCKS! I am so sorry....
Susan said…
Unbelievable, thanks for sharing. I won't pick up another one if that is how they manage their business. Good for you for speaking out. I would let them know in a professional way. Word of mouth is very strong.
Unknown said…
i am going to boycott all chicken soup books and will pass this on to my friends and family. i have heard of this happing to someone else with another type of book. sucks big time!!
Rebecca Jo said…
that's just wrong....no more Chicken Soup books for me either... especially because this book is supposed to be about encouragement & enlightenment & that's how they handle things... not right!
Unknown said…
That is just wrong wrong wrong. I will get aboard your boycott as well!
Anonymous said…
Did they write 'How to get rich quick' too?

I've never read any and now probably won't bother.
travel girl said…
I know you don't swear but that is Fed up in a big way!

I never got into the books but I will make sure I spread this around to my friends so they won't buy them either!!
Julie D said…
OMG! Unbelievable! I would be furious....

No more CSFTS for me!
Veronica Lee said…
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1.) What happens if you wake up one day and you are not black? "As long as I am black..." Just curious...stranger things have happened. I woke up green one day...not pretty, long story.

2.) What about Chicken Soup for the Card Carrying Chainsaw of Justice Woman's League? I know, it's sword of justice, but I upgraded with the new century and all...and there was a hell of a deal at Homedepot.

Again, I realize none of this is rational, but neither is stealing your intellectual property!!!
Cinder Rail'lee said…
WOW, I "used" to be a huge fan of Chicken Soup.. Now.. since reading this I will NO longer purchase them.. this upsets me! I'm sorry =(
Christina said…
Hi there, found your blog through someone else's. But, that's ridiculous!!! that's super crappy on Chicken Soup's part.
Jill said…
I am sorry that this happened to you! It's not right for someone to take your ideas!
Anonymous said…
Now that would cause me to cuss up a storm.

Sorry that happened to you! I've never read the series and don't intend to now.
Pancake said…
Thats just AWFUL!!!! No more chicken soup books for ME!
Tenakim said…
That's awful- I guess there's nothing you can do- that would be the worst feeling!
WOW! That's just foul--I'm really sorry that happened to you, love.
tiki_lady said…
lol, you are funny! but I will boycott wit ya too.
Vegas Linda Lou said…
You know, I've heard that from same story from another writer who submitted a proposal idea to the Chicken Soup folks. It was a tremendous amount of work and all for nothing.

I've had an essay published in one of their books--much better to grab the $200 and run! Lesson learned for the rest of us--thanks for that reminder.
Helene said…
Wow!! That is astonishing!!! I can't believe they completely stole your concept!! I won't be reading those Chicken Soup books anymore for sure!! So sorry that happened to you!
Deb said…
That is horrible. I hope no one buys their books anymore. Then, it will be Chicken Soup for your soul.
Sandra said…
Oh My Gosh... THAT MAKES ME SOOOOOOOO MAD! That is wrong on so many levels!

I will spread the word about the books being tainted.
Anonymous said…
Oh wow how disappointing. I am so sorry this happened. Yeah, I'm on the boycott train too!
Anonymous said…
Oh wow how disappointing. I am so sorry this happened. Yeah, I'm on the boycott train too!

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