No, we're not related, I swear!

Years ago, my grandmother moved in when my sisters and I were young. She never learned to drive so she was a sahg (stay at home grandma). The only thing was that she was an annoying sahg. She was a neat freak. I mean, not your average neat but obsessive neat. She was known for washing the outside of all cans, fruit and stuff she brought home from the grocery store even before it could be put away in the pantry or fridge. There were some advantages to her cleanliness...a clean bathtub. We would fight over who got to take their bath after she was finished. It was so clean, you could lick it!

Then, because she didn't drive, she'd walk to the store which was about two miles away. She would be gone for hours and she always hitched a ride back home with strangers. No joke! One time, this low rider Chevy came driving up. You know the kind with the hydraulics. Hispanics climbed out and they looked like they were ready to rumble. I went in search of the phone in case I needed to dial 9-1-1. My grandmother climbed out of the backseat. She thanked them for the ride and came inside the house. She said, "They sure were nice. I asked for a ride and they came to my rescue."

Another time, she got a ride with a family of what looked like 18. Don't know how they squeezed into the car but they did. She climbed out and all 18 of them did too. She explained that she couldn't remember their names but that they needed to use the bathroom...all 18 of them.

She always referred to them as her "friends". Yet, they could be wanted felons and she wouldn't have a clue. Thank God she was never robbed but then again, if anyone had tried, she probably would've laid hands on them and prayed for them and sent them on their way with a tract telling them that Jesus loves them.

She's not as active anymore which saves on the worry of who she's bringing home. Her caregiver mainly follows her on her outings. But, I can now see where I get my compassion for bringing home stray animals and even wanting to give people the shirt off of my back. Thanks, Grandmother!


Sweet Tea said…
That is sooooo sweet.
I hope you copy it and give it to your Grandma on Mother's Day.
Great Post.
Nana said…
I lived with My grandma and grandpa for 4 years, before we left for Canada. In Polish, grandma is 'babcia' and Grandpa is 'Dziadek.'
My second name is Veronique after my Babcia. She's my favorite person in the world. she's so compassionate and beautiful. She's in her 70's now, so she's aging but she still has the most beautiful expressing Blue eyes. I think it's great to know and live with our grandma's, it definitelyt nourishes you & teaches you respect & appreciation for the elderly.
ahhh my grandma raised me aren't they treasures?
Veronica Lee said…
What a sweet post! My hubby's grandma is still alive at 90+ and he adores her as he was raised by her.
She had God by her side, that's for sure! It's amazing how times have changed because as much as I might want to pull over and help a lady with two babies that are broke down on the side of the rode, I won't! Times aren't like they use to be!
Vegas Linda Lou said…
You are soooo lucky to still have your grandmother! Mine was a clean freak, too--she kept her vacuum cleaner in a plastic bag so it wouldn't get dirty when she wasn't using it. But she would have drawn the line at letting strangers pee in her house. Fun post, Simone!
Cinder Rail'lee said…
Ooh Simone! I love your grandma already! She rocks. *grin.

Hilarious about the low rider LOL. Yea some of them look a sight but some have a heart the size of texas when it comes to gran'mas.

Your a sweet loving lady like your grandma BE PROUD, flaunt it, tell people how special she is, and they too will know YOUR heart is like hers.

talk to you soon. Don't forget I'll be in Veags this weekend.. I may call ya hahaha
tiki_lady said…
awe, I love it! What a great post! my grandmother means everything to me to.
She sounds like a real personality!

You painted that picture so well of her hitchiking back from the grocery store *chuckle*

I have a close relationship with my grandparents - and am so thankful that they are still here, despite all their little oddities lol

Anonymous said…
So cute!!! She reminds me of my mom. My mom didn't drive (well didn't since I was 5) and she was always hitching a ride with strangers.
Lin said…
That is a great post!! God was looking out for your Grandma--gees, she could have been murdered 10 time over!!!
Justine said…
OMG, this was such a great story! Your grandmother sounds like a complete hoot! I'd love to meet her! I sat here, picturing her and 18 others exiting a little VW Bug. Heeheeheeeeeeeeeeeee

Justine :o )
Buckeroomama said…
Ah, grandmas. I was raised by my two grandmas and have nothing but the fondest of memories of them.

I really enjoyed this post... and the others on your blog that I've read(slowly making my way to your older posts).

Thanks for stopping by my blog. So glad you did, so that I could "discover" yours, too!
Lilly said…
That was a gorgeous story! My grandmother was a little like that too. I remember being in the car with her and my grandfather one day and there were Hells Angels stopped by the side of the road. Something was clearly wrong with a couple of the bikes. She made my grandfather stop the car and she got out, this little old lady with white hair, and asked them could she help them in any way. Classic!
Julie D said…
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!
travel girl said…
What a cute story:)

When we were young my Mom frequently picked up hitch hikers. In those days, it was fun and you met the most interesting people.
Veronica Lee said…
You don't have to pull the corners of your eyes, LOL!

Just squint a little and you'll be able to decipher it!
Scuba Girl said…
Love it - I had a grandmother like that - one of the Italian ones who would cook a pot of pasta for your after-school snack.

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