Pay dirt!!

I'm thrilled but it's still unofficial until word from the owner....but we found a house! I'm not sure if I mentioned that we had a house, then we didn't have a house and then we had a house but the lady fell out with her partner so she changed her mind about moving....all of this happened last week...on top of PMSing.

I have been a mess, to say the least. Straight from work on Friday, I went house hunting. I house hunted Saturday and this morning. Finally, Boo and I went to a house and it felt like mine. It even had cobalt blue tiles mixed in with the white tiles on the counter tops. It has french doors which I love and an office and a set up for an artist with adjustable lighting. I've never had an art studio and now, I will. The only drawback is the white carpet. I'm a spill magnet. I spill just thinking about spilling. I'm a bit nervous about that...especially with Baby Boo. I can just imagine the things she can do with some markers and paint.

But, I'm, ecstatic!


Buckeroomama said…
Congratulations on finding the house. It right if it feels right. :)
Cinder Rail'lee said…
Awwww Simone! This is awesome news! I'm sorry didn't get a chance to call ya yesterday, Caleb and I went to my sons house and swam! I'll call ya Tuesday. Mondays are always difficult with new week syndrome and Caleb LOL.
I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you!
Justine said…
Ooh, exciting! Now, when will you find out if the house is yours??????

Justine :o )
Unknown said…
Yay, how exciting.

Have a great Monday!
Julie D said…
Awesome!!!! Can't wait for pictures!

I'm so bummed that you can't come to Vegas. You can bring Boo, you know...we can stick him at a blackjack table and go off on our own!!!!
Oh I am so glad, I was praying for you to find the right place!
@Buckeroo - I'm thrilled. I can already picture myself creating and cooking in the kitchen.

@Tami - yeah, give me a call. I'll be around this week.

@Justine - Should find out today if the house is ours and then the fun begins.

@Megryans mom - Thank you! It's going to be a relief today once we hear something.

@Julie - Boo works in a casino so going to them isn't the tops on his things to do. In fact, he doesn't like being in them at all. Although he loves watching sports so maybe I could convince him to sit in his shorts and watch sports while I'm out having fun.

Angel - Thank you for your prayers. It was a very stressful weekend filled with tears and more. But once we get word, then the packing begins (again).
Anonymous said…
YAY for finding a place that feels like home!!!
travel girl said…
pictures! Must see pictures:)
Jill said…
Simone.. I am so happy for you but sorry you had to go through the aggrivation!
Congrats on the house! Glad you found a place that feels like home.
Nana said…
Aww. That's great hun! I cant wait until I get my own office, I'm glad you got you artist space. You should open an online story, or sell art through etsy.
Lin said…
Hooray! I hope you get the "dream" house!
Deb said…
Yay Simone!!!! Post pics once you move in!
Veronica Lee said…
This is sooo exciting! Can't wait to see the pics.
Oh congrats! I know the pains of house shopping. It sounds like a great find!
Unknown said…
Congratulations on The House!
Kathy said…
Congrats on finding a house, no matter how beautiful and special it is, I hope that you and your family can make it a home!

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