Things I Learned Thursday
1) I've been tagged by Lin and that means that I have to post the tenth picture from the first folder. Here's my puppy dog, Sam, the one eyed wonder. He's the million dollar dog since he's costed me an arm and leg in vet bills. 
2) Confidence is when you walk out the door and are standing in the checkout line at Walmart and you look down and discover you have two different shoes on your feet - one red shoe and one brown, yet, you hold your head up high like it was done on purpose. (Thanks TV Boo for teaching me that.)
3) Beauty can be found in your own backyard. While taking a walk on the trails by our house with Boo and Baby Boo, we took the time to really smell the flowers, listen to the birds and feel the gravel beneath our feet. It felt SO good!!
4) Two word, "I'm sorry" sometimes hold more weight than the words, "I love you".
5) I'm a crummy person. I don't know why but I create crumbs wherever I go. I can be eating the same meal as everyone else and I'm the only one with a mound of crumbs around my plate, on my clothes and face.
6) I can go into cardiac arrest faster than a monkey flings poop, if a bug crawls on me in the middle of the night.
7) According to Baby Boo, "spinach is gross" but chips dipped in ketchup is good." It tastes even better when singing, "There's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy!"
8)I still get freaked out when I'm home alone. I have to sleep with a fan on so that I won't hear every imagineable noise in the house.
9) My friends are just a phone call away.
and last but the very best....
10) Boo and I are celebrating 2 years of being together. Falling in love again, the second time around is so much better than the first! He is the most loving, funny and often times, clueless guy I know but I wouldn't have it any other way. Just being together brings me a sense of contentment that I haven't felt in a long time. (Plus, I've learned to always keep a box of grits in the pantry just in case he needs reminding who the boss really is! :) I love that man!!!
What have you learned?
2) Confidence is when you walk out the door and are standing in the checkout line at Walmart and you look down and discover you have two different shoes on your feet - one red shoe and one brown, yet, you hold your head up high like it was done on purpose. (Thanks TV Boo for teaching me that.)
3) Beauty can be found in your own backyard. While taking a walk on the trails by our house with Boo and Baby Boo, we took the time to really smell the flowers, listen to the birds and feel the gravel beneath our feet. It felt SO good!!
4) Two word, "I'm sorry" sometimes hold more weight than the words, "I love you".
5) I'm a crummy person. I don't know why but I create crumbs wherever I go. I can be eating the same meal as everyone else and I'm the only one with a mound of crumbs around my plate, on my clothes and face.
6) I can go into cardiac arrest faster than a monkey flings poop, if a bug crawls on me in the middle of the night.
7) According to Baby Boo, "spinach is gross" but chips dipped in ketchup is good." It tastes even better when singing, "There's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy!"
8)I still get freaked out when I'm home alone. I have to sleep with a fan on so that I won't hear every imagineable noise in the house.
9) My friends are just a phone call away.
and last but the very best....
10) Boo and I are celebrating 2 years of being together. Falling in love again, the second time around is so much better than the first! He is the most loving, funny and often times, clueless guy I know but I wouldn't have it any other way. Just being together brings me a sense of contentment that I haven't felt in a long time. (Plus, I've learned to always keep a box of grits in the pantry just in case he needs reminding who the boss really is! :) I love that man!!!
What have you learned?
Congrats on your 2 year milestone!!! Love is grand!
Love the photo--I didn't know that he was missing an eye. I thought he was winking at me!!
As for the bug crawling thing--mine is the cat hacking on the bed! I'm awake in an instant!
Chips in ketchup? Now that is disgusting!
Justine :o )
What kind of dog is Sam? He looks like mine.
LOVED, LOVED this post!