This isn't about a man who falls into an alligator pit

I've discovered something so ugly about blogging, well, actually, about human nature. We have become more resilient to hearing about things, seeing things and reacting to things that are appalling, sexual, horrifying, disappointing, violent, shocking and disgusting and sad. Yet, there's also intrigue at happy stories, uplifting and positive too.

Years ago, when I was newly married, there was a video that floated around called Faces of Death. It was disturbing because it showed unedited rituals which often led to death. It showed gross things such as a parachute malfunctioning and a guy falling into an alligator pit. It showed executions. My ex (then husband) watched with fascination. I watched (not all of them) with curiosity and often peering from behind my hands.

Years later, reality shows hit. I have to admit that I watch some of the shows, cheering on the good times, being emotional with bad outcomes. For instance, Jon and Kate. I loved watching their kiddos in action. Being that I'm a twin, multiples have always been a fascination for me. But, to see their marriage issues being displayed on newstands and on their show, I was sad and disappointed that they didn't choose to cancel their show before it got to their family destruction.

Now enter the world of blogging. To me, the blogs that get noticed are those blogs that tell it like it is, divulging ever detail of their lives or those blogs that have a purpose and need - such as a terminally ill child. Blog post titles also make a huge distinction. To read or not to read? I believe in keeping it real but that comes with a price too. How much of your "realness" should be on display? I am now on the receiving end of having something revealed by someone else that has now turned into a domino affect. I can tell you, it doesn't feel very good. There will be fallout and I'll deal with it, as I have everything else in my life.

It has made me stop and re-evaluate a few things. I won't stop being me because I believe that being me helps others. But, I will live by example and examine whether or not what I share will cause those people close to me, hardship, pain and hurt feelings.

As for why do I read your blogs? I read your blogs because I'm inspired by your creativity, your strength, your words, your outlooks on life, your honest and of course, your freakin' cute families, kids, pets, etc. From your blogs, I have made lifelong friends.


Maybe that's why I'm not watching TV ...but reading blogs also sometimes are heart breaking.
I sometimes wonder if I should or not post.
I blog because my families are in the Philippines and its a way for them to see me closeby.
Reality TV through blogosphere...
Justine said…
It's true. Sometimes keeping it real does come back to haunt us. But, nevertheless, I keep it real at all times. I just have to deal with occasional fallout.
As for Jon and Kate? I can't stand the show or them as people. I think they're money hungry and disgusting.

Justine :o )
Anonymous said…
I had to make my blog private. I had people take things that I said and pics I posted and take them to a private forum to share. I don't even want to know what was said though I do know that it wasn't shared in a loving spirit. I have chosen to keep my thoughts and life private (or more private now) but it's sad too. I enjoyed sharing with family and making new friends.
Debz said…
Well I honestly can't think of darned thing on my blog that's inspiring, but I'm glad you come, read and comment and I will always do the same. Even if I am a day late and a dollar short - lol.

Sorry for whatever it is that's bit you on the butt. I've been there and who knows, I may be again someday. Don't let it get you down too much.
Barb Jacobucci said…
Thanks for stopping by Angels blog "Starting Over" and leaving a note for me! I appreciate it! I am, indeed, excited about my sons graduation. What next?? I can't wait to see. Will I blog about it? Yes, I will. Your thoughts are interesting today as I struggle with 'how real' I should be. Food for thought today! Stop by my blog and say hi when you have time: Nice Shoes and other life observations (
Unknown said…
I just want to say IF you need an ear I have a matter of fact I have something I would like to discuss with you BUT it can wait until things have calmed down for you...nothing pressing so no worries..if ya get a free moment just reply to this comment(if you get them via email)
Lin said…
Uh oh, did I disclose something about you ??? :0

You know, I rethink almost every post--trying to imagine who might read it, who would be hurt or offended. Only once has someone asked me to take a photo down and I did so willingly, apologizing profusely. I didn't think the photo was bad, but she did. It is a fine line, isn't it?? Who knows what will offend or hurt innocently? I typically write like my mom is reading. And she does, so it keeps me honest most times.
Liz Mays said…
You know I prefer relative strangers to read my blog than my own family. I'm not sure why that is but now that I'm back online, I'm not telling my own family. I think I felt censored and I hated that.
Cinder Rail'lee said…
Who in the heck is hurting my friend? WOW, Girl, lemme tell you that truly bothers me! I figure if they talk about me they are leaving someone else alone. But it hurts all the same. Maybe, it will come back to bite me in the butt with Daniel. But...I figure it this way.. I NEED to vent, I need to write.. I need to express my feelings. I always feel so much better.
I called ya tonight.. sorry we couldn't talk =(

My phone is fixed if you need someone to vent too I"M HERE!!!
Email me!
I'll answer...I was correcting my blog when you went through, you might was to drop back by...

Elance works for me, it took a minute about two weeks to get my first Job,
But I was not consistent.
Vegas Linda Lou said…
Very thoughtful post, Simone. I hope whoever wrote about you rethinks his or her decision to make it public. I can't imagine anyone saying anything negative about you--you seem so full of goodness.
Sometimes I think we are becoming more jaded as a species, becoming used to watching shocking things without feelings. What we blog, which blogs we read...we have the choice...the internet gives us heaven and hell and everything in between. And yes, everytime we put a piece of ourselves here, it becomes public. Anyone can do anything with it. But that's kind of true in life as well. I can be vulnerable with the risks (and fulfillments) that entails. Or I can stay inside, peek out of closed shutters, safe but slowly dying of isolation.

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