A walk to remember as told from a two year old's view

Our new house has endless, beautiful walking trails. It's now become the adventure of the evening, Baby Boo and I and sometimes, Boo. We went hiking up a "mountain", otherwise known as a dirt mound. To her it was a mountain and she told me so. "Look, I cimbed da mountin." Took a drink from a flowing water fall, otherwise known as the drinking fountain and it was the greatest challenge for Baby Boo since eating her sandwich together without taking out the meat. We got close to the wildlife. "Momo, a fie is on you. Get it! He's gon bite you." My response: "Flies are nice. They just like us cause we smell good." Next, we climbed a tree. Well, not really, the branch was growing on the ground but to Baby Boo, she "cimbed" a tree. Then, we smelled the flowers. Her comment, "Mmm, it smells nice." I thought they stunk but I agreed that it smelled good. (Didn't want to be a negative Nancy.) Then, we ran a small kilometer race. Slight exageration, she ran, I watched and screamed every now and then, "Don't run so fast, be careful, don't fall." I got sweaty just watching her. Then, Baby Boo stopped suddenly and said, "Hear dat? Hear dat?" Actually, I didn't hear anything. Then I listened carefully and I heard it too. It was a bird whistling. Only a kid could hear the music of nature. On our way home, we practiced, "Look both ways." She didn't quite get the both ways concept and looked up and then down and then up toward the sky again. I guess that concept was way over her head. By the time we got back, she was exhilarated, I was exhausted. She drank her juice and with a smile on her face said, "That was fun, Momo!"


Liz Mays said…
The walk does sound like fun! I think it's fabulous that you have all the walking trails around to explore.

She's a cutie!
Cinder Rail'lee said…
She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I may have to join you guys on one of those walks.. Caleb and boo will have a BLAST!

Sorry I missed your call.. I'll call you tomorrow after I get back from my walk. more toward 7? I think? I'm off to bed .. I'm so tired =(
skywind said…
Oh, in child's small head has filled the wonderful idea. : )
Health information & Humor & Fun World
Buckeroomama said…
It's such a refreshing joy to experience things through a child's perspective. :)
Justine said…
Aw, what a great way to keep a diary of a very special walk. Too sweet!

Justine :o )
Anonymous said…
It is so important for us adults to see the world through the eyes of a child. It's amazing the things we've forgotten or tuned out. I think you're very blessed to have Little Boo in your life to give you those moments :-)
Veronica Lee said…
Both are you are beautiful. Don't you just love the world through the eyes of a child?
Kwana said…
That sounds like a wonderful walk. The best way to do it! You two look beautiful!
Lion-ess said…
You have to love the imagination of a child...
Can't wait to read you and your twin's book!
Marie Reed said…
How wonderful that a dirt mound, drinking fountain, and a scraggly branch can be a huge adventure! I want small kids again!
Julie D said…
Aw, how sweet! She's so adorable....
travel girl said…
She is absolutely adorable.
I am loving Mr. J's little guy. He says some pretty cute stuff.
Nana said…
Aww. is it my imagination, or her hair has grown?
She comes out with doozies! I have to watch her because she will say whatever she thinks.

Nana - her hair grows like crazy. It's so long but she did get a hold of the scissors awhile back when she was with her mom and her and her cousin cut some of their hair. Her's was mainly in the front so that was easy to cut into bangs but his was another story.
I would like to adopt her!! She is so darn cute! And my kiddos don't seem to need me anymore.

Poor Hallie. :(
Joanna Jenkins said…
What a beauty! Sounds like a great time :-)

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