He may not be cultured but he's worth a million!

I don't exaggerate when I say that Sam has put at least 15 veterinarian's children in college. He has cost me a fortune in vet bills. From the time he was born, he had a walking accident sign on his back and he continues to have one.

Today's visit to the vet was due to a blister type hematoma on his ear. I decided to try a different vet who may have mercy on my job situation and charge less...not!

Sam acted like a good boy. He sat on my lap while waiting his turn. While waiting Mrs. Ritzy Snob comes out with her mini schnauzer, Bridgette. Bridgette wags her tail and jumps on me to greet Sam. Mrs. Ritzy Snob turns her nose up at Sam and says, "Get away from him, Bridgette. He's got eye!" Sam wagged his tail and Bridgette ignored her "mommy". She continued to pull Bridgette away from Sam. Two others stand in line at the counter and she announces to them, "He's got one eye!" No duh! (She didn't say it in a "poor baby" sorta way but in a, "ghetto dog on chair number one" kind of way." Then, she announces that Bridgette was there to get her dental work taken care of and tomorrow, she's having a mole removed for aesthetic purposes. She continued to eye Sam while I ignored them all as they conversed about their doggy spa appointments and grooming appointments.

Sam continued to wag his tail at Bridgette as her mommy tightened her grip on the leash. I whispered to Sam, "It's okay Sam, I don't want you to catch her stupid anyway!"

Sam may not be the most cultured dog and he may have only one eye but he's worth a million dollars, I have the vet bills to prove it.


Unknown said…
and very adorable in the outfit and cap!
Anne H said…
Lookit Sam - one cool dog - but he knows it! :D
Cinder Rail'lee said…
I would have said something! I wouldn't of been able to HOLD MYSELF back..

I'd ask if she ever read the book of Etiquette by Emily Post.

If not they have them ALL on Amazon.com!

I'd hold up my hands making 10 and say I GIVE it 10 stars! See?! Cuz I could be just as SNOTTY AS YOU LADY. I read the book though! I HIGHLY recommend it!

Have a NICE DAY, and turn my chair.
That wicked lady!

Ina in Alaska said…
Sam is very cute and a lucky dog. We would be happy to have you and Sam hang with us any day!! People like Mrs. Ritzy Snob are such losers. I would have been super sugary sweet nice to Bridgette and made Snobitch feel really really bad. That attitude does not work anymore.
Why do people like that exist! Seriously! Your Sam is a doll. I hear about the Vet bill....I think I just bought mine a Mercedes!
Buckeroomama said…
He is one adorable dog... and bah to Mrs. Ritzy Snob.
Anonymous said…
Ah he's so cute!

I think I would have put my fist in Mrs. Ritzy Snobs face. BOO to her!!!!!
Debz said…
"From the time he was born, he had a walking accident sign on his back and he continues to have one"

Well of course! He only has the one eye and his hair is in it - lol.

Your a better person than I. I would have said some very unkind things to her, but it's been said that I have a hard time holding my tongue. I disagree of course.

He should win the CUTEST DOG EVA award. He's looking like a balla in that get up. Loves it!!
Deidra said…
Mrs. Ritzy Snob! Too funny! Sam is precious.
Leslie said…
What is it with our pets and the fortunes we are willing to spend on them?!

Sam is one cool puppy, one eye and all!
I think he looks precious. Snobby mean lady. I tend to let my tounge fly. It would have gotten ugly if I had been there.
Justine said…
Bridgette has good taste but her mommy is a BITCH!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Sam. He need a good belly scratching after that treatment!

Justine :o )
Lion-ess said…
he's so cute in his clothes..
some people are so stuck up! I bet she has issues!!
V2V said…
Sometimes silence is golden! Cute doggie!!
Liz Mays said…
You can't put a price on love! He's a cutie!
Sheila said…
He is too cute! We have a Lab & a Dauschound. As I age I adore the little one more. :-) The Lab always has something wrong & needs to go to the vet.
tiki_lady said…
sooooooooo freakin' CAH-UTE!!!

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