Things I Learned Thursday
According to the CEO of the company that I work for the big "Reduction in Force" day is scheduled for Tuesday. So as a result of that I've learned:
1) That being at work is like being on the reality show, Survivor. Everyone is pointing fingers at who will be voted off the "island". Folks are throwing up and can't eat or think straight while those that have immunity are laughing their fool heads off.
2) It takes less time to take something apart than it does to put it back together again. Note to self, "Remember which key goes where when you take the keys of your keyboard off."
3) I could sure use a Wonka Bar and a golden ticket right about now!
4) Some friendships are better left in the past.
5) Writing and playing the piano and drawing is like food for my soul.
6) If a puppy has to choose between chewing on his toy or the baseboards in the house, guess which one he chooses?
7) I only switch to using slang (words like ain't, cuz and gonna) when I'm either angry or feeling very much at ease with the person I'm talking to.
8) Some parents just aren't teaching their kids manners now days. If I have one more kid run right in front of me or almost almost run me down with a shopping cart, or play in the clothing racks, I'm gonna stick my foot out.
9) When somoene passes away, it can often bring out the worst in the family members that are left.
10) Being a tree hugger isn't all that bad but I draw the line at not killing flies, spiders and cockroaches.
So, what have you learned?
1) That being at work is like being on the reality show, Survivor. Everyone is pointing fingers at who will be voted off the "island". Folks are throwing up and can't eat or think straight while those that have immunity are laughing their fool heads off.
2) It takes less time to take something apart than it does to put it back together again. Note to self, "Remember which key goes where when you take the keys of your keyboard off."
3) I could sure use a Wonka Bar and a golden ticket right about now!
4) Some friendships are better left in the past.
5) Writing and playing the piano and drawing is like food for my soul.
6) If a puppy has to choose between chewing on his toy or the baseboards in the house, guess which one he chooses?
7) I only switch to using slang (words like ain't, cuz and gonna) when I'm either angry or feeling very much at ease with the person I'm talking to.
8) Some parents just aren't teaching their kids manners now days. If I have one more kid run right in front of me or almost almost run me down with a shopping cart, or play in the clothing racks, I'm gonna stick my foot out.
9) When somoene passes away, it can often bring out the worst in the family members that are left.
10) Being a tree hugger isn't all that bad but I draw the line at not killing flies, spiders and cockroaches.
So, what have you learned?
Let's see... what have I learned lately? Hubby doesn't like me talking about him on my blog. Not going to stop me though.
Stopping by from SITS to say hello. Love the blog. I think I'm going to stay.
I'm with you on the bad kids thing--I watched two little boys (old enough to know better) climb the stacks of books by the cashier at Borders. Then they proceeded to run on top of all the books and jump off and then do it all again. Mom was in a coma. Finally, after I said a few things LOUDLY, an employee stopped the boys. Mom? Still in a coma.
My kids die because I tell those naughty kids to go find their mothers. Or to "stop it". Their parents don't care--they aren't even around most times.
I wish you luck on Tuesday. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I'll be thinking of you and saying a prayer the cocky guys gets it.
Hallie :)
This week I learned the value of listening instead of talking. Not easy, but still valuable.
Geez woman, I hope you keep your job... I'll say a prayer for you. In the meantime, vote off the mean girl!
Justine :o )
Good Luck on Tuesday.
Thanks for visiting my blog today! :)
I've learned that apart from loving your kids, you can be 'in love' with them, too. You just can't get enough of them sometimes, but other times, well, I'd love me some peace and quiet.
Praying that everything goes well for you on Tue.
If I find the golden ticket in a Wonka Bar, I'l share it with you :-)
Hang in there. xo
Nothing funny about having your job in limbo.
Somedays I'm sure I haven't learned a thing in all my 39 (*snicker) years.
Keep us posted on the job situation, in the meantime I'll be talking with God about you.
I had a problem with my keyboard once and needless to say..
BTW - go for your dreams!
I have to say my fav it #6 only because I've been there and know just what your feeling!
We both could go for a #3 too LOL. Play the lotto girlie! I do weekly it's always good to have that ticket it just might be your golden ticket!
and we'll talk this weekend!