I Accept You

One thing that life has taught me is to appreciate the differences in others. Being a twin, most of the time, we were always treated like we were the same...no distinction. Oh, but there was, if only people made the effort to know and appreciate those distinctions. I had dimples, my twin didn't. She had a beauty mark, I didn't. I needed coke bottle glasses and she didn't. I had a wrinkley nose thanks to allergies, she didn't.

But even beyond that, our personalities were different. But, we appreciated and blended those differences to make a pretty cool pair of twins.

Now, Boo and I are VERY different. He and I are more different than we are alike. He loves sports, football, especially. I love music. I love cheese on everything. He doesn't care much for cheese. He is a realist, I'm a dreamer. I am laidback, funny, spontaneous and he is practical, serious (most of the time) and very old school in his way of thinking.

I have to admit that it has taken me awhile to accept some of his distinctions. For one, he sniffs but that's putting it mildly, he snooks and snorts when his nose itches instead of blowing his nose. He does it all night long. He drives like an old man...always under the speed limit. He loves talking about sports and politics. I'd rather talk about girly, sensitive, romantic, stuff.

But, it works. Right now, as I type this, he is talking about football. I sit smiling because he's on such a spiel and has no idea that I'm blogging at the same time.

I appreciate all of you blog pals because of your differences too. Some that I've met face to face or talked with on the phone...I adore your laughs, your voice, your kindhearted, listening spirits! I appreciate you all for coming back to read the ramblings of my head.

I accept you!!!


I love your bog....that was a cute post
Leslie said…
That is the number one thing I love about blogging. Our differences! Wouldn't life be BORING if we were all the same?
Justine said…
{{{{{{{{{{Simone}}}}}}}}}} Awesome post girl!
But Boo really doesn't realize that you're not the least bit interested in football? Or does he, but he's just gotta talk about it anyway? LOL

Justine :o )
Sandi said…
I beg Brandon to talk ESPN to me when I can't sleep. It is a sure fix to unconsciousness.
Lion-ess said…
I enjoy this post.. Reading it I began thinking about how alike my bf and I but also how different we are. I have learnt to accept and respect our differences and just to be happy with his uniqueness.

I've also learnt to accept other people's differences since being with him.
i love it :) I think I have a hard time accepting some things... But i know it when Im doing it and I get a headache. LOL
Liz Mays said…
This was just so wonderful! You spill your soul on here and it's so clear to see what a beautiful soul it is!
ethelmaepotter! said…
My husband and I do the same thing! Just the other day, I spent over 45 minutes typing answers to forum questions about Disneyworld, while he was explaining to me how to properly lay a hardwood floor - he had no idea I wasn't hanging on his every word! Silly sweet old fools, aren't they?
Joanna Jenkins said…
I appreciate and accept you too! Your posts are always a must read" for me.
Joanna Jenkins said…
I appreciate and accept you too! Your posts are always a must read" for me.
Lin said…
And that's why I love ya! Bloggers really seem to accept others, don't you think?? There are a few who turn me off with their opinions, but for the most part they are great people!

And, oh--I accept you too. :)
Cinder Rail'lee said…
heh heh I accept you too my friend!
Sweet Tea said…
It's true - "opposite attract".
I've been married FOREVER and we are very different in likes & dislikes, but we do have the same values and that's the link that binds us...Is Boo still talking football? Does he notice you've left the room? LOL
Heart2Heart said…
Even though you both have so many differences it is what makes you two so amazing. You fill each other's needs. One is north and the other is south! You complete each other and when you two are together you are incredibly strong together and can accomplish so much!

Thanks for sharing your differences and what you share in common.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Veronica Lee said…
I would really love to meet you in person, Simone!!

Isn't it wonderful to be part of this great bloggy community we're in??
Elle Bee said…
Nice post! As always, you get me thinking and I love that about you.
Veronica Lee said…
Hi again! I wish I could but I don't think I'll be traveling for a while!
We're saving the money for the kids' tertiary education.
Julie D said…
Great post! Just getting caught up on my blog reading. Happy Sunday!
Anonymous said…
Well I acquiesce in but I about the post should have more info then it has.

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