Creative Saturday revisited

I had a day of creating but there's not any pictures that I can show you because a good portion of the day was spent working on a manuscript submission. The book proposal itself can be difficult, or quite easy but must be tailored to fit every publisher or agents specification.

I also went to the thrift store and found a serious gem there but I can't say what it is because my Son in Boo will be getting it for his birthday.

My twin sister, Twin2 has gotten into Creative Saturdays as well, as she created the most beautiful, unique flower arrangements out of pods that grow from a tree in her yard. Here's the arrangement.

Were you creative on Saturday?


Liz Mays said…
Nope, I'm pretty sure I was creative-free. I have my moments but yesterday wasn't one of them. ;)
Sherry said…
I was creative yesterday (!) with my peach/berry cobbler!! And I may be creative again today -- I've been busy with other things.

Creative doesn't always come with a photo though as you pointed out about your day yesterday!
Buckeroomama said…
Nope. The closest thing to 'creativity' I got was thinking up of excuses why Mommy and Daddy are "so late to come home." We were actually on our way home from church already, but my phone kept ringing every 5-10 minutes with the same question asked each time! :)
Tracie said…
I worked on my quilt yesterday.
ethelmaepotter! said…
Work has been too hectic this week for me to have been creative...especially on a work day!
You and your twin certainly are creative, though. I loved the mural; I used to make my living as an artist, but always shied away from that large a commitment. Kudos to you!
Veronica Lee said…
LOL, you know about my ketupat fiasco!

About the ketupat, they are sold fully cooked. We just warm them up when we eat them.
Stephanie said…
No creativity from me as I had to work. That arrangement is stunning and you sound like you had those creative juices flowing too!
Heart2Heart said…
I wasn't that creative. I spent the day resting and reflecting on the busy week that lies ahead. I used to think once I got through these tough weeks, I could relax but nope just more tough weeks pop up.

Perhaps during this week, my creativity will once again peak.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Anonymous said…
No creativity on Sat. I spent it cleanin! Good luck to you!
Justine said…
I've never been creative in my LIFE! Love your sis's pods. That looks awesome.

Now wait. Did I know you'd written a book? What kind? Tell me more!

Justine :o )
Lin said…
Maybe creative cursing while we were getting ready for a party. Seems like there isn't enough time for creativity these days. I haven't touched my quilting in a couple of years. :(
Joanna Jenkins said…
Saturday, hum, Saturday, I um, hum, Saturday. What the heck do I DO Saturday? I seriously can't remember but I'm pretty sure there's noting new or creative around my house.

But YOUR Saturday sounds terrific!

Have a great week.
You'd be surprised at how many of you used your creativity this Saturday. It's just one of those un-obvious things that happen.

The book is a juvenile fiction book. It's complete and now the fun part comes...publishing.
Nothing creative from me....I'm still recovering from this stomach virus!
That Junglebook nursery is AMAZING! What a talent you have!
I hope you have a wonderful week. Tell your twin that I LOVE her arrangement!
Anita said…
Saturday? That seems so long ago! My life is so non-stop at times, which makes 24 hours ago seem more like a week ago. But, I do remember going to shop for birthday gifts for 10 year old triplet girls. My 9 year old went to their party. I bought three good-sized Beanie Babies: a dog, monkey, and cat. That may count as creative; going back to simple toys that one has to use imagination to play with.
The stuffed animals were a hit with the triplets!
twin2 said…
Thanks for the compliments on the flowers. I got so tired of crunching on those darn pods that I decided they had to have some sort of purpose beyond me stepping on them. They actually reminded me of a tropical flower. Anyway, I also agree that creativity comes in many forms and not always in an artsy craftsy one. It can come in the form of a imaginative story as you tuck your little one into bed, or a little extra something added to a recipe. To me creativity is defined as stepping out of your comfort zone and sometimes taking a risk. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.
I made a creative salad for a BBQ if that counts. Otherwise not really. Hope you have a wonderful week.
The Peach Tart said…
Unfortunately I spent all weekend organizing and cleaning since I have company coming tomorrow.

I'm glad the muse is with you.
I attended the funeral of a friend who had a long battle with cancer. The Hubby took me to the big city to celebrate my birthday 'cause he had to work today. Good luck on your manuscript...praying for you girl!!!
Debz said…
OMG! YES! I actually WAS creative this past Saturday. I made a cushion for a stool (it was just a hard wooden seat) and repainted the legs white. It looks soooo much nicer now and I bet my butt will thank me someday.

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