Things I've Learned Thursday
Is it Thursday already?
Things I've Learned.....
1) Flaming Hot Cheetos have got to be the leading cause of hyperactivity and red dye syndrome. (Not to mention that they load it with MSG just so you can crave more.)
2) After all these years, I still don't like my food to touch.
3) Day old coffee tastes like the inside of a tanker truck, yet, Boo drinks it every morning.
4) My pitbull Humble and Sam, the shih tzu have a big brother, little brother relationship. They truly love one another.

(Sam is licking Humble, an every morning routine.)
5)Walking into a hardware store is like walking into a waiting room full of guys waiting for testosterone shots. As much as I love browsing in the gardening section, I just can't see the joy of looking at drill bits for long periods of time.
6) No matter how old my daughters are, they will always be my babies.
7) Telling birth stories to Married Boo on her birthday was probably the best birth control measure ever! I think after I told her the "real" story...none of the painted over ones, she decided that she and her husband would wait for quite awhile before having their first.
8) Boo loves Monster Quest...Big Foot stories and Sasquatch...if I ever encountered one, I'd probably give him half of a sandwich and ask if he wanted a drink of water. Why run? If he's that big, don't you think he can outrun you? That also shows the movies that I watched as a kid...Godzilla and Gargantuan.
9)Is it just me or is our healthcare going to the dogs?

10)A smile can change a whole lot of things!
What have you learned today?
Things I've Learned.....
1) Flaming Hot Cheetos have got to be the leading cause of hyperactivity and red dye syndrome. (Not to mention that they load it with MSG just so you can crave more.)
2) After all these years, I still don't like my food to touch.
3) Day old coffee tastes like the inside of a tanker truck, yet, Boo drinks it every morning.
4) My pitbull Humble and Sam, the shih tzu have a big brother, little brother relationship. They truly love one another.

(Sam is licking Humble, an every morning routine.)
5)Walking into a hardware store is like walking into a waiting room full of guys waiting for testosterone shots. As much as I love browsing in the gardening section, I just can't see the joy of looking at drill bits for long periods of time.
6) No matter how old my daughters are, they will always be my babies.
7) Telling birth stories to Married Boo on her birthday was probably the best birth control measure ever! I think after I told her the "real" story...none of the painted over ones, she decided that she and her husband would wait for quite awhile before having their first.
8) Boo loves Monster Quest...Big Foot stories and Sasquatch...if I ever encountered one, I'd probably give him half of a sandwich and ask if he wanted a drink of water. Why run? If he's that big, don't you think he can outrun you? That also shows the movies that I watched as a kid...Godzilla and Gargantuan.
9)Is it just me or is our healthcare going to the dogs?
10)A smile can change a whole lot of things!
What have you learned today?
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Have a relaxing evening, God bless!!!
And I also don't want my food to touch. Started in 3rd grade and never ended. LOL.
Day old coffee? Boo is very brave... ;)
We had a St. Bernard and a cockapoo growing up - it was hilarious to see the cockapoo chasing the St. Bernard around the backyard...they were best buds. Love the picture of your doggies!
LOL -- If I have the presence of mind to think that when confronted with something that big...
No, no...I really don't. But dang, that pooch is cute.