Creative Saturday Revisited

My Saturday was creatively spent working on a magazine interview that is due pretty soon.

But, I still had some time to create with Baby Boo while she was here. Together, we painted and colored and built houses with blocks.

I'm looking forward to the weather getting cooler so I can go out and play in the dirt and take pictures of my neighborhood.

Did you have a creative Saturday?


GottaLoveMom said…
Catching up with my writing and dancing for 3 hours while watching Bruce Springsteen - totally creative Saturday, right?
Sounds like a great creative Saturday! Lil Boo is adorable!Have a wonderful Monday!
Lin said…
About the most creative I got was choosing a fab tie to go with my son's new Homecoming shirt. Does that count??
Ina in Alaska said…
Baby Boo is ADORABLE! Love her curly hair! No, I am not creative in the least. I mostly did errands on Saturday. I did go out and buy the next book I plan to read, The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Look our Picasso make room for Baby Boo! She is such a sweetheart!

Creativity! Exhaustion is more like it. We gathered the cattle herd and separated the large calves for weening. Mamas mooing, calves bellowing...The Ponderosa is very noisy this weekend!

Have the best fall Monday, God bless!!!
Unknown said…
i wish i had a creative Sat-that pic is adorable
Anonymous said…
could that lil boo be cuter? i love her hair!
Sweet Tea said…
Love the photo of Boo.
She is Boo-ti-ful!! Really!

Yes, I was creative Saturday.
I did Princess make-up for her before the Homecoming dance. Great fun!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Baby Boo is GORGEOUS!!!! It sounds like you two had fun.

My Saturday was L A Z Y and perfect.

Hope you're having a good week.
Fragrant Liar said…
Saturday was spent giving my daughter a baby shower and showering her with not only gifts but food and encouragement and love. Sometimes, ya gotta get creative for that too.
Fragrant Liar said…
P.S. Boo is precious.
Sherry said…
I'm in love with this child's hair!!! And that pensive look with the brush in her mouth as if to say -- 'hmmmm I think we need a little more yellow in this one...'
yonca said…
It sound like you two had a great time. She is adorable!
Buckeroomama said…
Little Boo is so adorable! I love her curls...

Saturday? Oh, yeah. We created "BRAY-seh-lets" (Zoe) out of glow sticks for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Heh.
prashant said…
Sounds like a great creative Saturday! Lil Boo is adorable!Have a wonderful Monday!
How to make a website
Liz Mays said…
It looks like she was having a lot of fun!

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