A Glimpse into My Life

I know you'll all think I'm nuts after you see some of the pictures I'm going to show you. Trust me...there are explanations to every single one of them...BUT, that's why I'm forewarning the residents of Cary, NC now...you can leave town while I'm there...I won't mind.

This picture speaks volumes. When it says that it's a size 9, don't you think it's supposed to be true to size? I couldn't resist. I immediately had to take a picture of the drawers that were bigger than my head.

I think he was taken with me the moment I said hello.

My own version of polar bear spa. The spa had just been installed and the heater wasn't working. It was in November!!!

Cheap entertainment....throwing snowballs on the roof.

I know what you're thinking....no, I hadn't lost it. I was doing a fish autopsy. After having to say goodbye to one of my fish, I was determined to find out the cause of death. So, scalpel ready, I performed the autopsy. Cause of death? It appears that maybe his stomach ruptured...from eating too much?

This is me! I'm spontaneous, funny, sensitive, caring and living each day to its fullest. Today, Boo and I were going into the Automobile Club of America (AAA) office and I started to sing, "Well, the first thing you know ol Jed's a millionaire, the kinfolk said, "Jed move away from there..." Boo looked at me and said, "Shhhh." I told him, "Don't shhh me. I only have one life to live and you know what, I'm going to live it to the fullest. There's just too many people walking around looking down in the dumps...not me!" He just shook his head. I guess he'd better get used to it. I yam what I yam.


Sheryl said…
I sent my husband to the store to pick up a package of under ware for my daughter who needed a size 11 childs. He brings them home and I open the package with out looking to closely. I pulled out a pair for her and had the same reaction, he bought a size 11 womens. :)
Mandy said…
You are such a beautiful, awesome person! Thank you for sharing these. It makes me like you even more. I know we'd be friends in real life too, if we lived closer.
You are too funny!! Thanks for the smile today!
The Peach Tart said…
I can't believe you dissected a fish. I always hated biology lab.

I do love the Beverly Hillbillies song so I would have been belting it out right with you.
Sherry said…
Simone, these photographs are a testimony to your love of life and laughter and to squeezing the juice out of life to get every succulent drop!! Fabulous post -- fabulous woman!!
Vegas Linda Lou said…
Well, I can honestly say that's the first time I've ever read a blog about a fish autopsy. So not quite expecting that...
Ina in Alaska said…
Wow that is one HUGE pair of shorts!! Looks like the shorts can swallow up your head!! Great pictures,.... now can I interest you in a Polar Bear Spa experience up here in Alaska????? ...smiling.. PS You are so pretty.... thanks for singing the Beverly Hillbillies tune at AAA - I would have joined in. One time when I was in Aruba standing in a line of strangers, the lady in front of me started singing Bob Marley's Every Little Thing is Gonna Be Alright... and of course I sang with her. People were looking at us like we were nuts and we did not know each other but we had a grand time on line singing!!!
A size 9 what? HIPPO?

Love it!!

Hallie :)
I'm with ya all the way. Yep, Boo will just have to get used to it. Totally sure he doesn't want a sad-sap grumpy, grouchy version on you. Hubby has learned over the years just to go with the flow and enjoy!

If I find a large size 9 granny without her panties, I'll send her your way1
Thanks for the good laughs, have a fantastic day!
Heart2Heart said…
You know there is nothing like just being bold in all that you do like sitting in the jacuzzi in November without a heater. Doable considering that sometimes it can be pretty warm here in California at times.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Lion-ess said…
I did a fish autopsy once.. Couldn't eat fish after that for a couple years.
I think I knew how he died because I couldn't find his brain.
Ann Harrison said…
Oh how I would love to be in a store with you. If you start the singing, I'll jump right in!
Ann Harrison said…
Oh how I would love to be in a store with you. If you start the singing, I'll jump right in!
Those are some big undies for sure.

I love all the random pictures and I cannot believe you did a fish autopsy. LOL

Keep on Livin'
Buckeroomama said…
I had to laugh out loud at your fish autopsy! Because I something similar, but I was, I think, around 8 or 9 years old at the time. :)

You are right... gotta live life to the fullest! I love your zest for life.
prashant said…
I do love the Beverly Hillbillies song so I would have been belting it out right with you
How to make a website
Joanna Jenkins said…
YOU ROCK! What a great post. The pictures are a hoot from the undies to the autopsy! Thanks for sharing.
PS I'll be singing the Beverly hillbillies song all day now :-)
i like these pictures....they are great..and you are all those t things, thats why you are my friend...
Anonymous said…
can i send you my cat when she finally up and dies on me and will you slice her open and see why she died? i think that is too funny!
Dandy said…
You did not do a fish autopsy!! You did. Ha!!
Veronica Lee said…
I really, really hope we will be able to meet one day, Simone!! You are an awesome woman!!
Anonymous said…
You are so funny!!!! And beautiful. Love it. Thanks for sharing your life in pictures.
Liz Mays said…
You are so silly! I can't believe you dissected that fish!
Elle Bee said…
Hahah! You make me smile! You're quirky and bright and funny and I enjoy every bit of it!
JennyMac said…
that pic of the skivvies made me laugh out loud!

Fish autopsy? Love that Marcus Welby MD!
Kwana said…
Youa re one funny and brave woman with the fish and the undies. Love the pics!
ethelmaepotter! said…
This post reminds me of one time when Hubs and I got into a crowded downtown elevator, filled with grim businessfolk, who all stared straight up at the floors going by...and Hubs winked at me, then said aloud, "I feel good all under," in reference to that old Fruit of the Loom commercial. ai wouldn't have been half as mortified of even one of those proper businessmen had cracked a smile.
Y'all come back now, ya' hear?
And what you is is good! :) Keep it up!

(my word verification is intalec :) )

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