Habits or traditions

Sometimes I mix my habits with the traditions. For instance, ever since TV Boo was little, before bedtime, I'd say, "Night Night, Sleep Tight," and she'd say, "Don't let the bedbugs bite" and then we'd finish together with, "See you in the morning light." When she moved out on her own, I realized that I didn't have the chance to say it with her anymore and it's made me sad. I guess I'm going to have to call her and find out what time she's going to go to bed just so that I can say it to her still.

Also, I'm traditional in the sense that I always fake kiss my worm before I toss out my line, when fishing. It's almost like a kiss for luck or something.

Whenever I drive off, Boo always walks me to my car and then he blows me kisses until I'm out of sight. I blow him kisses too.

Another tradition that Baby Boo loves and has picked up is whenever we pray before our meals, Boo always kisses my hand. Now, Baby Boo holds out her hand to be kissed too.

One tradition that my dog Sam refuses to break is when putting him to bed at night, I cradle him like a baby and sing his "goodnight song" to him. Then I kiss his forehead and tell him that he smells like toes. It's a tradition...I just can't help it.

But, on the serious side of traditions, my mom always had Thanksgiving dinner with olives and cheese slices to go with our meal. It's a tradition that to this day, my twin sister and I both still do and I'm sure that our kids will as well.

Call it wasteful but I was taught that it is "traditional" to toss the first waffle off the waffle iron...my mom told me this and I still continue to do this.

Boo has a few traditions that I'm still trying to adjust to. One of them is that he dilutes his milk and sodas with half water and half milk or soda.

Plus, he melts his ice cream in the microwave until it's soupy and then he eats it.

Are we the only "odd ones" or do you all have traditions or habits too? If so, spill it!


The Peach Tart said…
I love your little ritual with your dog. I have to have my Mama's cornbread dressing at Thanksgiving. It is so fabulous and reminds me of everything homey and good in the world.
First pancakes get tossed too. ;)

I sing different renditions of "Good Morning To You" and "Happy
Birthday to You"...

Thanksgiving traditions include everyone traveling to our house, my husband cooking and my sister baking pies...watching the Macy's Day parade in the morning.
Oh, please download a video of you putting your dog to bed! That was priceless and made me smile ear to ear. I love dogs too and miss my border collie so much, she lived to be nearly 15 and had a wonderful life.

I'm still trying to think of an unusual tradition. Things around here are so chaotic with a 3 1/2 year old that it seems like nothing gets done the same way twice to have the opportunity to become a tradition!
Sherry said…
I don't think any of your traditions or rituals are odd...I think having them, whatever they are, and honouring them is what's important.
Ina in Alaska said…
Our dog Jeter (5 lbs) sleeps in our bedroom a kennel that would house a Rotweiler. It is stuffed full of his favorite blankets and pillows. Every night I tuck him in and give him kisses. My husband asks me if I want to stay in there with him.

As a child growing up we always had lasagna with our turkey dinner. Now its too much food but the lovely memory lives on.

PS about the 1st waffle - why not start a new tradition and give it to one of your pups....

I love and enjoy your thought provoking posts! Happy Halloween to you and all your Boos!! xoxoxo
It's so funny, my mother always told me, "be careful what you start!" The grand-kids are always tellin' me, "but Grandma Muzzie it's tradition!" We have many traditions on the Ponderosa. One of my favorites is when Hubby leaves of a morning I yell, hang on! Then I run and slid across the utility room floor in my sockies to kiss his face goodbye. X-X-X-X :o)

Have a beautiful weekend enjoying your traditions! God bless....
Suz said…
I think your traditions are wonderful. My mother always sais "Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite." As a child, I had no idea what bedbugs were! My husband & I still do this but it is accompanied with tiny little pinches to whatevery part of the anatomy you can manage to pinch!
Deidra said…
Your habits and rituals are all so sweet. They make me smile, and I'm sure they warm the hearts of those you love.

Can't think of any habits here, except holding hands to pray...which I got to do with you! Oh joy!
Stopped by from the Secret Santa Soiree. I'm making my way through the list slowly but surely.

Love the ritual with your dog. Dogs are great creatures, aren't they? We have a morning ritual with our dogs. They all( we have 3) have to come in our bedroom after their morning constitutional and get loved on. It's pretty hilarious to watch them push each other out of the way to get their turn. Nothing as specific as yours but a good time is generally had by all.
Love hoew you have to think about what the drive thru food will taste like!! That's awesome!!

Julie D said…
Hey lady, just getting caught up on blog readng....
KaLynn ("MiMi") said…
I love your traditions! They are awesome! Ours is the sign language for "I love you" when anyone leaves. I started that when the kids were small and we were trying to learn sign language. That one just stuck. Even the Grands know it now.
Liz Mays said…
I don't think I have anything quite like that, at least not that I recall now.
Anonymous said…
I loved reading about your traditions and/or habits :) The only one that comes to my mind started when my first child was a toddler. (he's 26 now). When we'd hold hands I'd squeeze his hand gently 3 times to indicate "I love you". I do that with my younger children now (they're 10 and 8) <3

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