Slump...Creative Saturday and stuff

I haven't been creating as much as I would like, although I did make some cornhusk dolls for Deidra that maybe she'll display for you. Other than that, the last thing I created was in NC, when I made my parents, Slump.

Slump is a dumpling of sorts but it's a sweet or pastry type dumpling, simmered in fruit. It tastes like a cobbler. It's even better when it's warm and served with ice cream.

I'm also in a slump myself. Too bad it's not a delicious one. I'm one that likes to know what God has in store for me ahead of time and since He's been keeping it a mystery, I'm really in a contemplative mode. I know that there is a possibility that we will be leaving the state of California but where, it remains to be seen. I'm afraid that if we do move, that I will be homesick for California and the familiarity of what I have known all my life. I also fear missing my daughters, my sister and my friends. Yet, I trust that whatever it is that He has in store, that He will bring peace and contentment instead of stress and tossing and turning instead of falling into a peaceful sleep.

Were you creative this Saturday? If so, what did you do?


Was I creative? I think so, I decorated my front entry for the trick or treaters, lots of pumpkins and gourds with rubber snakes and worms, spiders, little plastic mice. Stuffed birds, a witches broom, hat and shoes. Looked cute and the little ones loved it, so much so that they were so caught up in the decorations, they didn't ask for their treats. Lots of fun for us all. I love the little ones on Halloween!
Posts leave so many unanswered questions, such as: Why would you leave California and your family? As someone who moved away from family once upon a time, let me tell you it's not a happy thing! Family is the most important thing in the world and you have a great one! And you will need to live near them as you age. I'm caring for aging parents now. Think about this and pray about it. It's not a good idea.

I was not creative yesterday, but I did laugh a lot because my sister came over dressed as Ginger Rogers...looking more like Bette Davis in "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?"
Buckeroomama said…
I was very creative today: I needed bread crumbs for a recipe and I thought I didn't have any, so I ground up some Cheerios and mixed in some flax seed "powder" to make my own bread crumbs... only to find out that I did have bread crumbs after all --AFTER the cooking is done!
Sherry said…
your slump may have a funny name but it sounds delicious!!!!

Changes...the mystery of not knowing what God has in store for us or why -- trust your heart. Listen to your heart for what you need to know is right for you ♥ The answer lies there.

I was creative...I exercised my body and today I am feeling those muscles telling me how long it has been!!
Mandy said…
I hope you find your peace soon. I sure don't like hearing about your stress, worry and sadness! Hugs to you!

I want that recipe for slump please, that sounds yummy!

I was creative in a strange kind of way - I tore out scaps of aluminum foil and let my two year old play with it and "wrap" her toys in it. We also played with water in buckets and used sponges to soak up the water. It's the little things that excite a child! ;-)
Joanna Jenkins said…
Slump sounds fabulous! I could almost smell it simmering :-)

As for moving away-- i've done that a few times having lived in Ohio, NY, San Francisco and now Los Angeles. It takes time to adjust but eventually you'll settle in. If you do move, get a good unlimited long distance calling plan :-) I talk to family in Ohio every single day. It makes all the difference in the world.

Hang in there.

ethelmaepotter! said…
I'd like that Slump recipe, too - maybe you could do a post with the recipe?
No creativity for me this Halloween, so I'm so happy I have your wonderfully creative day to live!
The Peach Tart said…
Not at all creative. The slump looks yummy for this cold weather.
Vodka Mom said…
He does have a plan- and I admire your patience while waiting for the next part of your journey.

Deidra said…
We carved pumpkins last night. It was a last minute thing. We carved three of them and set them outside just in the nick of time. Three pumpkins, three letters: B-O-O.
Liz Mays said…
I can't say that I've been overly creative lately. I'd love to see your cornhusk dolls.

I'm not sure why you'd have to leave California but I hope you find your answers soon.
Lin said…
It seems like there is a lot of change going on by you. Breathe deep, pally, and don't fight the current. Sometimes you just have to ride with the river and not fight it. Hey, if you leave California, you will just be closer to me, right??! Come to Chicago, pally. We'll freeze together. :)
I was creative. Hubby came in at 5pm and said, "lets get the mama cows in and worm and vaccinate them. Hummm...gonna get dark and we have no light up at the workin' pens. So at 7:30 and I could no longer see what I was doin' I held the syringe up toward that big beautiful moon to the the numbers on them so I could pull the right amount of vaccine. Do I have fun or what?

Sweetie I will continue to pray peace and guidance upon you. I can tell by your post you are in a struggle. Take care and have a blessed day.
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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