A heart full of thankfulness

I was out in the middle of hustle and bustle today. The stores are a mess with shoppers everywhere. I'm a people watcher so as I shopped, I came to a few conclusions. One - There are a whole lot of stressed out people trying to get ready for the holidays. I saw a few couples snapping at each other and even some kids smarting back to their parents. I learned something from this though. I have the choice to find thankfulness and joy in my day or to allow the crankpots and crowds and traffic move me to being in a bad mood. I chose to smile my way through the maze of people. I even browsed in the toy aisle like a kid for a bit. (I reminisced over what it felt like to look through the Sears Wish Book). I hummed and sang to myself (softly) and allowed someone to go in front of me that didn't have as many groceries as I did. I told her, "Go ahead, I'm in no rush." I really wasn't.

Too many people are rushing along, some of them practically dragging their little ones. They don't realize that their little ones legs are way shorter than theirs and they aren't rushing, they are taking in the smells, the sights and the sounds of life.

I am finding thankfulness like a child again. I'm thankful for my three dogs who snore softly at my feetand for chocolate chip cookies and caramel apples. I'm thankful for the flowers that are still blooming in my area and the warm weather and the sunshine. I'm thankful for my Boo and my family...my joy is unspeakable when I think of them and have moments to share with them. Most of all, I am very thankful for friends, far away and close by. The support and laughter and encouragement is more than I've hoped or asked for but I'm blessed beyond measure.

What are you thankful for?


Hi sweetie. I am so tickled to read your blog. You asked what I am thankful for today? My bloggie friends sweetie, just like you.

You will have to come and read my blog. That is exactly what I wrote.

Country hugs sweetie. Happy Thanksgiving. Sherry
Lovely post, and yes, I remember that Sear's Wishbook! Takes me back! I guess I'm most thankful for my health and that of my family. Thanks for sharing!
Mari said…
I'm thankful to read this post tonight! What a loving, heart warming post - just what I needed for the season. Thanks!
Vegas Linda Lou said…
I am thankful that there are dear, sweet people in this world like my Chocolate Covered girlfriend.
Beautiful post and reminder to slow down and enjoy what the holiday represents! I'm thankful for friendship far and near as well so much more. Happy Thanksgiving!
This was a wonderfully upbeat post, Simone.

I'm thankful for God, Life, Family, Friends,Faith, Hope, Love and Pie....
Buckeroomama said…
I am thankful for squeals of "Mommy!" when I come home --even before the door is open. :)

Happy Thanksgiving, Simone!
Deidra said…
Girl, you have got it going on. You always have just the right perspective! I appreciate that about you!

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
Suz said…
We all need to remember to slow down and smell the Holiday smells - cinnomon, pine needles, cold crisp air, turkey in the oven, etc.

We forget that the journey is as important, if not more important, than the destination.

Thanks for your post.
Joanna Jenkins said…
The Sears Wish Book-- Boy, that brought back fond memories! That used to keep me occupied for hours!

Terrific post CCD and a good attitude to have during the holidays and every day for that matter.

Enjoy your family and the holidays!!!

How I looked forward to that Sears Wishbook in the mail. I would spend hours dreaming. I am thankful for God, Hubby, a wonderful fam and sweet blogfriends like you.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Elle Bee said…
Great post about thankfulness and what's most important in our lives. I'm thankful for perspective & gratitude, my healthy family and the beauty of nature!
Veronica Lee said…
I'm thankful for bloggy pallies like you, Simone!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Sherry said…
I haven't been by in too long -- with all my plans for getting away and then settling back in again. I want to wish you and those you love a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!! ♥
Unknown said…
I'm thankful for our family, a warm place to live, our church and the Heavenly Father.

Marcus and I are off to volunteer at our church. My husband is in for a long day at Kmart.

We had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. Marcus and I made the whole dinner. It was my first turkey! And my husband loved it!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Ina in Alaska said…
Your post brought tears to my eyes! So beautiful and true. I too have been taking it slower this season and observing people. I also notice the stress and worry and the never ending TV commercials and loud holiday music everywhere you turn do not help matters. I am letting go. In fact, I am buying very few gifts this year. Everyone seems to have everything they want and if they need something they get it for themselves anyway.

In the meantime, wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. xoxox
Unknown said…
Thanks for checking me out.
You can use a brine mix pre-made or you can make your own. I used a mix which was just salt and spices and added beer. The salt doesn't make the bird salty! It actually makes it tender was hell! If you just google... brine a turkey, lots of recipes come up.

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