I'm so glad that I'm her aunt!

Today, we all celebrate my niece's 14th birthday. She isn't just my niece though, she's one cool kid. Seriously. What makes her the coolest besides the fact that she is adorable and beautiful all at the same time but that she doesn't even realize that she is.

When Mariah was born, (she hears the story often), I was given the pleasure of being in the delivery room with her birthmom. My sister was 3 1/2 hours away, doing the best she could to get there in time to be a part of her birth. When I first saw her, it was love at first sight. I just knew that she was going to rock the world and she has. The nurse allowed me to go into the nursery as she was bathed and then left for me to have a girl to girl chat with her. Instead, she held my finger and looked right at me as if to say, "You are going to be my most favorite aunt in the whole wide world!" (Well, it did look like that was what she was saying.) I told her about the crazy, goofy, loving family that she was now a part of. I told her that she was loved from the moment she was a twinkle in her mommy and daddy's eyes.

An hour or so later, my sister walked past the nursery window and all I could do was point at their beautiful baby girl with a head full of hair.

And now, 14 years later, nothing has changed except for the love that I have for her. Not because she's a straight A student, not because she is the baby of the family, not because she laughs at all my jokes and not because I was paid to say all of this (because I wasn't). I adore her because she is the best thing that has happened to all of us.

Have one of the greatest birthday ever! I look forward to celebrating your birthday with you and I'll try not to embarrass you too much...only a little bit!

Happy 14th birthday, Mariah!!


Unknown said…
awww what a sweet post to your niece! She is beautiful!

Happy Birthday Mariah!
ethelmaepotter! said…
And Mariah is one lucky girl to have YOU!
Veronica Lee said…
She's beautiful just like you.

Happy Birthday to Mariah!
Buckeroomama said…
Happy birthday to Mariah!

It's not everyday that you see people write a beautiful tribute to their niece (or nephew). What a sweet post. :)

I am your feelings for her are more than reciprocated.
Adorable! I hope her birthday was happy!!!
Happy~happy birthday beautiful Mariah. I hope she realizes how very blessed she is to have an Auntie who adores her as much as you do. 'Tis a wonderful tribute to your sweet niece.

Have a super day enjoying the blessings God has given you!!!
Kwana said…
Happy Birthday Mariah. What a beauty!
What a wonderful trip down memory lane for this special lady in your life!

Happy Birthday Mariah! Now go eat cake!
Happy Birthday Mariah! You are a beauty!
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday to her! She's beautiful.

I love being an Aunt. Be job ever outside of being a parent I'm sure.
Deidra said…
...made me cry!

Happy Birthday, Mariah!
Suz said…
Wonderful post. She is lucky to have you. I adore my nephews too even though I was not blessed to be at their births. They are very special to me as I have no children of my own. They tell me things I am sure they do not tell their parents. There is a special bond with an Aunt and I love it.
twin2 said…
My sis is such a wonderful aunt to Mariah. I feel as if we all kind of share in our love for her. Her Aunt "Mone" has been such an important part of her life from the very beginning. We could not have done this without her. In a sense, she stood in as a surrogate since we weren't able to be there for her delivery. She gave me all the vivid details. (It was just like being there.) The great part of having my twin sis as Riah's aunt/godmother and surrogate is- when she hits that challenging point, (on a few occasions) I know she can always connect with her aunt and she'll receive the love, understanding and support from a different and very wise perspective. I personally believe there should be an Aunt's Day for all the special aunts (and uncles) who play such an important role in the life of a child. So, I share her birthday celebration with you. (That means we get to go out for cheesecake in Mariah's honor.) Thanks for sharing about our little cutie pie.
Liz Mays said…
Oh Mariah, I hope you read this! Happy Birthday!

You are such a loving aunt. This post was simply beautiful.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Happy Birthday Mariah!!!!! I hope your day and your 14th year are amazing a nd inspiring and joyful.
Pearl said…
Sounds like she has a lovely Auntie. :-)

Elle Bee said…
This is so so so sweet! HBD Mariah!
Lin said…
What a special bond that you two have and how lucky you both are to share that. :) Sweet story, Simone!
Fragrant Liar said…
She's a beautiful girl. And 14 is not an easy age, so be there for her, Auntie. She will always remember.
Mariah said…
WHAT??? Her name is Mariah? That makes her uber cool!

Happy Birthday to your Mariah from this Mariah
Hi Simone, There is an award for you over at my place. :)
Anita said…
I double clicked on Mariah's pic to see how beautiful she is. I can sense an inner beauty and innocence in this young lady.
Happy birthday Mariah. May God bless you as you grow into a healthy, strong, confident, loving, and successful woman. :)
Nana said…
Hey hun, I"m so happy to hear you have a beautiful family. Happy bday to your niece:-)
Happy Birthday Mariah...
What a beautiful tribute to your very beautiful niece. I can see that she definitely takes after her auntie.

How precious of a story you have written. I can see why she adores you.

Thanks for sharing this evening, and thanks for stopping by and saying hi. I love it when company comes to visit, and you are truly a lovely guest.

Have a beautiful Wednesday tomorrow. Country hugs sweetie...Sherry
You CAN'T think of any IS IT JUST ME OT...? I don't believe you!!

Did you even try?? :)

Just kidding. Couldn't resist giving you a hard time!!

Hallie :)
Anonymous said…
My friend and I were recently discussing about how we as a society are so hooked onto electronics. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further innovates, the possibility of copying our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.

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