My Love Affair....
with my teddy bear.

C'mon, ya'll! I know you were wondering, "What has she gotten herself into now?" But you know me better than Boo is my numero uno love affair.
This guy comes pretty close to second though. I'd like to introduce to you Teddy Little Bear Franklin. He has been a part of my life since I was three years old. He has caught many, many tears, heard all of my embarrassing moments, even times when I wet the bed, he was there. He was there when I was afraid of the dark and found out that I had to wear glasses when my twin sister didn't. He want on vacation with me just about everywhere, except for Disneyland because my dad didn't want me to lose him while on one of the rides.
I humanized him while I was growing up. I knew that he "felt" things. Like the one time, boy cousins that we were visiting in Missouri sprayed bathroom cleaner on him. I cried and cried. "It would make him sick. He'll never smell the same." I hated those dumb boy cousins.
When TV Boo was 5 years old, I entrusted Teddy to her. She was afraid of the dark, terrified in fact. I told her how he had helped me through so many tough times in my life and now he was hers to help her through hers. One thing, I made her promise that she'd always take good care of him and not let anyone tear him up. Teddy went with her to summer camps, gymnastics meets, overnighters at her friends houses and even when she ate, Teddy was there, while she pretended to feed him some of what she was eating. As he grew more fragile, she sewed the outfit that he is wearing now.
One sleepover at church, she was laughed at and Teddy was made fun of. The boys said that he had the mange. She vehemently stuck up for Teddy telling them that she didn't care how he looked, the he was very valuable.
When TV Boo went to Texas, she left Teddy here with me. She knew that I could use the comfort of her not being close by. She was so very homesick that I surprised her and sent her a box filled with goodies and backed on the very bottom was Teddy. She cried tears of joy to have Teddy back.
TV Boo is here in California with me as is Teddy. She has decided that Teddy needs to be where he is safe from harm. So, he has a special place in my curio cabinet. As I walk by, I think of a little song that was on one of my kiddie albums...
Me and my teddy bear, have no worries have no cares, just me and my teddy bear, just play and play all day.
Precious memories of my childhood include my Teddy Little Bear Franklin.
Back view - I brushed his "fur" in a side part and he's now bald.

I never had a comfort item growing up. sister did! (Too bad she's not part of the blogging world, or she could tell you herself.) She had a yellow blanket that went everywhere with her. 40 years old, wife to one and mom to two, she still has that blanket with her!
I love your little bear, he shows the years of love he has endured.
Have a fantastic evening filled with sweet dreams of your childhood!!!
I must tell you this little story, which may or may not become a blog post of my own. One night last week, as I driving to work, my headlights shown on a mass on the side of the road, which I at first mistook for a dead dog. When I was practically on it, I realized it was large stuffed teddy bear. "OH!" I said aloud, wondering WHY it was there: did a child accidentally toss it out an open window? Was the family moving to a new home, the bear in the back of an open pickup truck, and fell off? Did an angry parent snatch it from a squalling child?
As the night wore on, I worried more and more about the child who had lost it and the bear, himself. It was cold out there, and was lying on concrete, cars and big trucks whooshing by and stirring the cold air.
Driving home, I circled around and came back down the interstate, to the spot where Mr. Bear had lain. He was gone. I had already worded the "lost" ad I would place in he Sunday newspaper, I had already imagined the tears of joy when the bear was reunited with the child.
I so hope the rightful owners realized Mr. Bear was missing and went back to retrieve him. And if they didn't, I hope he's as happy in his new home as your bear obviously is in his.
The only things that I was really quite "attached" to from my childhood are my books. Books that I've since passed on to my nieces who love books, too. (I'm kinda hoping that they might pass them back to J & Z one day when they've outgrown the books.)
Thanks for the sweet post!
Teddy is sooooooooooo adorable! And your post told a great story!
I still have my Walking Doll. She's lifesize, about the size of a two or three year old.
Love your bear. I hope you'll keephim forever. :)
I have a doll that is reversable. Weird I know but one side is Goldy Locks and the other side is the Big Bad Wolf. I can never part with that doll!
I never really had anything like that that was my comfort. My younger sister had her "ba ba" (blanket) with a piece of satin seam binding that she loved to rub and carry with her for comfort.