Things I've Learned Thursday - Thanksgiving Edition

Happy Turkey day to all of you! Today is not the official Thanksgiving day for Boo and my family...unfortunately, Boo and TV Boo have to work today and Baby Boo won't be with us until Monday so Monday is our day! In the's a special edition of Things I've Learned Thursday.

1) A turkey can get pardoned and then go to Disneyland. I'm happy that ol Courage didn't lose his life but instead has the joy of living his life out at the turkey retirement home.

2) Even though I am very thankful on this day, I'm learning that true thankfulness exists all year round!

3) When you carve into a turkey and discover the giblet pouch still inside, it means one thing...that the person didn't A) wash the turkey and B) know what they were doing when they prepared the turkey. (I bypassed turkey that year. I wasn't into getting food poisoning.)

4) No matter how much I want to share turkey with my dogs, sad puppy dog eyes and all, I'd rather not deal with the aftermath of poop everywhere. That was a hard lesson learned one year never to be repeated again.

5)Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving unless there is cheese slices and olives on the side.

6) When a turkey has to be washed in the tub, won't fit in the oven because it's too big and has to be cut with a hack saw, I think the turkey should've been pardoned instead.

7) Turkeys are so very cute when they are little but they are stupid. The girls had a pet turkey that they named Oreo. Poor Oreo, rest his soul, drowned in an inch of water (his water dish) because he didn't realize that he couldn't swim.

8) Sometimes, paper plates are the best way to go because after eating turkey, everyone tends to go into a trytophan induced coma and can't move their limbs to help clean up the kitchen.

9) Thanksgiving signals that Christmas will soon be here. We usually decorate the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving but for some reason, I'm having a hard time being in denial this year.

10) I'm so VERY thankful that in spite of being unemployed, we've still been able to hang in there. Blessings abound in so many ways for me!

Have a wonderful day today and don't eat too much turkey or you'll be in a turkey induced coma for a few hours!


Deidra said…
Be blessed today, and enjoy your upcoming Thanksgiving celebration! I'll do my best not to overdose on turkey, although it's the stuffing that tempts me the most!
Sherry said…
Oh sweetie, just look what you have to look forward to on Monday!!! ♥

As for what you have learned Thanksgiving Edition I loved it!! #3 made me gasp (!) #6 made me laugh!!

Poor Oreo (turkeys really aren't smart are they?!)!!!

And I love #2 -- amen!!!

Wishing you a joyful day today and a time spent with loved ones on Monday -- with many memories and much laughter!!! :)
Leslie said…
Enjoy your weekend and holiday upcoming holiday celebration!
Mari said…
I like your list, but no olives for me! Enjoy Monday!
Unknown said…
Acting as CSI, I discovered that my 20 pounder lived a lazy (due to the amount of fat it rendered) and nasty death (due to the battle scars it had when I unwrapped it). My daughter's little 12 pounder was a fit little fellow. Not an ounce of fat on him. He rendered nothing! Not a drop of liquid.
A turkey so big he didn't fit in the oven? Amazing.
Great lessons..I had the best nights sleep with my turkey coma I should have turkey everyday!
I enjoy your Thursday posts very much! Thanksgiving can be any day; I hope you enjoy yours on Monday!
Veronica Lee said…
I love your list.

Enjoy your weekend and holiday upcoming holiday celebration, Simone!!
Suz said…
All you learned is very profound. I will remember then all.

thanks, your post made me smiel
ethelmaepotter! said…
This is my favorite of your wonderful Things I've Learned posts.
"When a turkey has to be washed in the tub, won't fit in the oven because it's too big and has to be cut with a hack saw, I think the turkey should've been pardoned instead."
So funny!

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