Creative Saturday

Below are the things I was able to spend time being creative with. I made small goals...unlike resolutions...these small goals are easily achieved. One of them was to practice my piano daily or at least three times a week, draw daily and create a new recipe once a week. Two out of three isn't too bad because the cookies aren't from a new recipe, in fact, they are from the refrigerated section of the store, but I did achieve the other two for today.

Yesterday, I started feeling antsy. Sometimes when I feel that way, I discover that I need a change of scenery or that I have pent up energy that needs to be re-directed. So, today, I noticed a peace and calmness as I created and I breathed a sigh of thanks to God for showing me that I needed to be still.

How was your creative Saturday?


Helene said…
It all sounds very relaxing! You're very talented with your drawing! I've been drawing a little bit here and there with the kids and I'm finding that I really enjoy it...who knew it could be so relaxing?!
Mari said…
I like the idea of goals instead of resolutions. That makes sense to me!
I'm impressed with the drawing. I can play piano and make cookies, but can't draw a stick man!
Buckeroomama said…
Wow! Your drawing's great, Simone! I "created" a birthday card with Z, because J created one (that's why Z wanted to do one as well!). Now, the birthday boy got 2 birthday cards! :)
Veronica Lee said…
Your drawing rocks, Simone!
I'm impressed! If I can breathe, think, walk and talk, I consider myself creative for any given day.

You put me to shame!
Liz Mays said…
Your drawing is quite remarkable! I wish I had that bit of craftiness that you have!
Deidra said…
No craftiness yesterday but now that Christmas presents have all been opened around here, I can finally tell you that I made a quilt for my son! It's been five years in the making, and your crafty nudges were the final push I needed to get it done. Thanks!
Lin said…
I got out the Wii and moved a bit. Felt good and so, it will now be back in the daily routine.
I colored my hair.
Does that count as being Creative?
ethelmaepotter! said…
Simone, You are one amazing woman - you cook, you create redipes, you draw and paint, you play piano, you there anything you DON'T do?
That drawing - it's Mike and Sulley, right? Nice lines, very well done.
Anonymous said…
Love it! You are so amazing!

Saturday I made all of my Valentine's Day cards. I had so much fun doing it too.
prashant said…
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