Creative Saturday

I didn't have a creative spark today. In fact, I found that I was feeling a bit melancholy so at the last minute, I decided to make clam chowder for dinner. Even that turned out "just okay".

I need to learn that when I'm just not feeling "creative" to give in and not force it.

Lesson learned.

Did you have a creative Saturday?


Dandy said…
Your chowder looks really good! I love bread bowls.

Sending smiles your way :)
The most creative thing I did today was to make PB&J toast!
You beat me!!
You call that 'just okay'? I call it a spark of genius and, oh yeah, yummy!
It looks delish....I wish I could report some creativeness but I sat on my duff relaxing all day! It was a nice lazy day here.
Mari said…
It looks really good, especially in the bread bowls. No creativity here on Saturday, but a nice relaxing day!
Buckeroomama said…
If you can call making Betty Crocker's choc chip oatmeal cookies creative...
Anonymous said…
But it looks lovely in the bread bowl!
Deborah Ann said…
Well the picture sure looks divine! Wish I could dive right in. I'm making chicken enchilada soup today, hope it turns out!
Liz Mays said…
Soup in a bread bowl makes me very happy!!!
Anonymous said…
That looks really good.
Anonymous said…
I love bread bowls but hate clam chowder. If I wasn't diabetic, nothing would make me happier than warm bread and soft butter! Oh, and a cherry pie fresh out of the oven and ONE fork. Hey, who said sharing is good!

It seems that women can't have a "ME" day, or a down day, without feeling guilty and forcing themselves to be productive.
That sure looks good.

I didn't have a creative Saturday. I spent the day helping two sick and shut-in friends. Unfortunately, at my age, there are many.
Deidra said…
What do you mean that's not creative? I am very impressed, my friend!
Unknown said…
I just love clam chowder. Oh my goodness! SO yummy! I bet it was even better than you thought : )

I haven't been feeling creative lately at all.
Suz said…
I agree that the clam chowder looks great. one of my favorite soups!

My Saturday creativity consisted of attending a meeting to paln a women's conference for May. it was awesome!
Veronica Lee said…
Ooo I love clam chowder!!

It looks really lovely in the bread bowl.
Ina in Alaska said…
Never been a fan of clam chowder. I did not do anything creative on Saturday other than go explore a new small Italian specialty market with a friend. They had some neat things in their shop, sauces, pastas, etc, and also made sandwiches and lasagna to order. My friend and I each had a cappucino and tried one of their canolis. The service was very friendly BUT I did not like the canoli, especially after having the most delicious food in Brooklyn NY on my recent trip.
Sherry said…
I wasn't very creative on Saturday either Simone...feeling much the same way as's the January "blahs" around here (happens every year!!).

Your clam chowder looks yummy (love it in the bread bowl) and yes, when the creative spark isn't there and the wood is a little too damp to light the flame...not forcing it is the best thing to do. :)
I took a trip to rock my youngest grandchild, ended up givin' him a ride on a skateboard. Does that count as creative??? Heeeheehe!

Have a great day and when those juices aren't flowin' I've found it's just best not to push it. :o)

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