Is Your Dream the Same Dream as His
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today.
Although those words were spoken so many years ago, they still ring true.
I was born in 1963, when segregation still existed but I rarely remember it as my parents would. My parents taught me to love me for who I am. Not to wish that I was someone that I wasn't and to love all mankind. Yet, when I was old enough, I didn't understand why all mankind didn't love me back.
While walking from the school bus stop, a group of white kids opened a fire hydrant and sprayed my sister and I, yelling the N word. I remember how my sister and I walked home, drenched and feeling defeated.
I also remember a time where on a field trip to a school classmate's ranch, the mother asked her daughter to tell my sister and I to sit on the floor. She didn't want us sitting on the couch with the rest of the kids in our class.
To this day, tears well up in my eyes when I think of how it felt to encounter skin heads in a public library who did their best to humiliate me because of the color of my skin. It was by God's grace that I made it home safely that night.
Yet, in spite of those memories imprisoning me, I have hope. I have a dream that my grandkids will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. You see, you may not agree, but one of my daughters is married to a Caucasian guy and the other is seriously dating a Caucasian guy. In time, I WILL have grandchildren. (If they choose that path one day.) I want to know that gone are the days where they will not be given the opportunity to show their abilities, their gifts and talents. That they will be embraced not because of their race but because of who they are as human beings.
I celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. because not only did he take the road less traveled but he encouraged others in the face of fear to also go down that same road.
To keep that torch burning, we all have to do our parts. As parents, we have to encourage our children to love and respect everyone, regardless of the hue of their skin.
We have to teach them that we are ALL precious in His sight.
More than anything, if your relatives or in laws are racists, make a point to teach your kids that we all bleed the same. Hatred and racism is a disease that will eat from the inside out. It will leave no one untouched that carries the disease. Tell your kids, "It doesn't matter what color we are on the outside, that it's what inside that counts."
I have a dream.
Do you?
For another thought provoking blog, please visit Christella's blog. She has lived through the civil rights movement and in her positive outlook, she showers all who read her blog with blessings.
Sorry you had some humiliating experiences, also, which can effect you the rest of your life.
Stay strong and continue your wonderful writing. You have a lot of talent.
While I am white, believe it or not, I went through some of the same discrimination that you and your sister did. My father marched with Dr. King, and in fact, the whole family went on several freedom marches (inspired, but not led, by Dr. King.) My father insisted, when we moved to a small racially segregated town in the 60's, that we "break the barrier," and live, shop, and go to school on the "black side" of town. We had rocks and slurs thrown at us by other white kids, a cross burned in our front yard. In junior high, I, as the oldest, understood the hatred and why we were shunned, but I'm afraid my younger siblings suffered.
Today is merely a "day off from work or school" for most people in this country, I'm afraid. How many will actually stop and reflect upon the dream of a man who tried to change our nation?
I'm glad things have improved from that time, but I also know that we're not there yet! I think that things like blogs are another way of helping bring us all together, and realize that we are so much more alike than different!
My heart aches that you and your sister were subjected to hatred and ignorance; I hate that it still exists in this world and I have seen it first hand. It sickens me that people can be so blind.
Growing up in Canada this was not an issue as it was in the United States. Our histories are different and we were a destination on the underground railroad of which we are proud.
That does not mean that racism does not exist in Canada -- it does, as it does anywhere in the world where ignorance lives.
As a child I never thought about skin colour -- my friends were just my friends because of "who" they were. One of my dearest friends is married to a Caucasian girl and they have 2 beautiful daughters and having seen what he has endured at times in his life it makes me stronger in my belief that we will overcome this.
And your most poignant line to me in your post was this:
"We have to teach them that we are ALL precious in His sight."
Yes. ♥
Amen to that, Simone! Great post!
wonderful post!
Another beautiful post, Simone!
My heart breaks when I think of what you've endured.
My dreams are many and they start with all people being equal and for all the hate of the words to disappear.
One little boy said something to the effect of, "MLK talked about knocking on the door of opportunity. Well, I'm not just gonna knock on that door, I'm gonna kick that door down". It was so powerful!!!
It would be wonderful if the entire world could have the same dream as would certainly make for a happier, more peaceful place.
Have a super day my sister!!!
Your post is wonderful and touching.
My dream is like yours. That all will be accepted for who they are inside and not what they look like on the outside.
I am sorry for your experiences as a child. It forms who we are and who we trust.
As the lyrics of a song from the movei South Pacific say "You've got to be taught to hate and fear. It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear. You've got to be carefully taught."
I am so glad my parents taught us to respect everyone and to treat all as equals.