Ask Me Anything and I'll Do My Very Best...
to answer.
Almost a year ago, I did a blog post on Being Black. It was great being able to answer any questions and as I said then, there are no stupid questions. I am now opening the blog up to questions...any of can be if I have a cure for toenail fungus (which I don't unless you want to try maybe Listerine) or even doggie behavior issues, relationship questions or even the "what's it like to be Black" kind of questions.
On my next blog, I will answer all questions.
By the way, I survived Baby Boo but not before I was ready to dive under the shopping cart today as she pointed to a man's shopping cart and asked, "why he buying that for?" pointing to a toilet plunger. Then, she pointed to a lady and asked the same thing, "Is that soda? (Vodka) Then, "Why she buy that?" I replied, "Because she probably needs it."
She obviously has inherited her dad's tastebuds and prefers to eat her green beans with barbecue sauce to dip it in. she also like syrup on her salad.
All in all, I did notice a stray gray poking up and I did the unpardonable and pulled it. I'm willing to risk the two more growing in place of it.
Looking forward to your questions.......
Almost a year ago, I did a blog post on Being Black. It was great being able to answer any questions and as I said then, there are no stupid questions. I am now opening the blog up to questions...any of can be if I have a cure for toenail fungus (which I don't unless you want to try maybe Listerine) or even doggie behavior issues, relationship questions or even the "what's it like to be Black" kind of questions.
On my next blog, I will answer all questions.
By the way, I survived Baby Boo but not before I was ready to dive under the shopping cart today as she pointed to a man's shopping cart and asked, "why he buying that for?" pointing to a toilet plunger. Then, she pointed to a lady and asked the same thing, "Is that soda? (Vodka) Then, "Why she buy that?" I replied, "Because she probably needs it."
She obviously has inherited her dad's tastebuds and prefers to eat her green beans with barbecue sauce to dip it in. she also like syrup on her salad.
All in all, I did notice a stray gray poking up and I did the unpardonable and pulled it. I'm willing to risk the two more growing in place of it.
Looking forward to your questions.......
I'm not coming up with any questions. I think it's too early for my brain to be completely functioning, but if I come up with anything, I'll be back.
I proceeding with the assumption that you were a single mother for some years. If that's true, then I think the answer to my question might warrant a blog post of its own:
What are some of the best tips/advice/suggestions that you could offer single mothers today base on your experience?
Baby Boo cracks me up! Little ones are so uninhibited and honest. Once when my son was small we passed a gentleman in Wall-mart and Chris loudly asked my why does that man stink. Here I am shhhhing him and the kid is only gettin' louder. Pushing my cart away as fast as I can, I'm tellin' the kid we don't say people stink when he does one of those 'attention Wall-mart shoppers'..."well he does stink!!!"
God bless and have a wonderful day!!!!
We've brought Cantik up to our unit a few times but funny, after a few minutes, she'd meow loudly and scratch the door and would only calm down when we bring her back to the lobby. I don't think she wants to be adopted. She's enjoying all the cuddling and loving from the condo kids!!
What are your three favorite smells and why?
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
You said you'd answer anything! :)
Seriously, where is the post on being black?
I admire the fact that you are very open with subjects on race and religion. I don't know if I've read one on politics.
Those are the three subjects that have long had a reputation of NOT being discussed if you want to keep your friends.
A question...hmmm...What's one or two of your favorite books, and are you reading anything now? If so, what are you reading?
What has been the hardest part of being a sort of step mom to Baby Boo?
Also, on a different note - I wanted to tell you that I have an idea to write a story and I want to include a black female character but I'm a little scared, nervous since I'm not a black woman. Do you have any advice for me in writing for a culture/different race? Could I write you on occasion to get your honest input? (after I do some homework/research that is).
If you could have anyone, either alive or passed on, over for coffee and good conversation, who would it be?
P.S.: I left a little something for you on my blog. :-)