Creative Saturday

In honor of Valentine's day, I stuck to my goal of making a card instead of buying one. Although, I will admit, I went to the card section of the store, saw the price and told myself, "You've got to be kidding! It's just red hearts and flowers! I can do that!" So I did.

I also made a dump cake just for him but I know that he doesn't mind sharing so I'm going to sample it first just to be sure that it tastes good!

This isn't my dump cake but this is what it looks like.

What do you have planned for your Valentine? Will you be making a card or buying one?

Did you have a creative Saturday?


lagirl/Sweet Tea said…
I took my Valentine to see a SPY movie then to a Chinese Restaurant has never eaten at before...and he LOVES Chinese foo. Me? Not so much. He his small boxes of Valentine Candy around the house for me to find along with a SWEET card, and tomorrow he is gonna make my favorite -Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge>...I'm gonna have to get out the Treadmill. REALLY!!
Mari said…
Happy Valentines Day. I bought my hubby a card and some candy. We're doing birthday celebrations here today. My married daughter and husband are coming over for dinner to celebrate my other daughters birthday which is today!
I had someone else make my Valentine cards this year. I have to keep supporting the arts in my own little way.

It's my anniversary dummy am I...and the chef will prepare a lovely meal for us..
Stacy said…
We went out Friday night with friends to a seafood buffet. We both love seafood and we hadn't been out with anyone for a while (thank you winter). Today we're going to visit our granddaughter....okay and our son and his wife, too.
Ina in Alaska said…
I am going to buy two steaks and cook them for dinner, and we have loads of chocolate to devour for dessert. The temps are quite nice here so the dogs will get a walk, hopefully. the snow is melting! xoxo
Ooh, that looks like a delicious cherry crumble or something like it. My hubby is working this weekend, so we're having a quiet valentine's day at home. I did buy him a card, as I just didn't have the time to make one. He also got some candy, and a pair of boxer shorts (which have been tradition for the past 4 years now). Today is also my birthday, and my son made me a valentine/bday card, which was very sweet. Then later, we're gonna dive into a chocolate ice cream cake from Cold Stone, yum!

Happy Valentine's Day to you, my blogging friend! :-)
XmasDolly said…
Happy Valentines Day! We went out to PePe's last night. One of our favorite places, and only a few blocks away from our home & I got the hubby a card & ME! ~hehe~ {HUG}
Anonymous said…
Mmmm, that cake looks good. I've heard of dump cake but don't know what it is. It'll just be another ordinary day with some Nascar included. Have a Happy Valentine's Day.
Dimes2Vines said…
We had a nice dinner, spaghetti and then family time!
Stopping by from Fri Follows - I'm a new follower! Love to have you stop by:
Shannon K. said…
Can I tell you I have never heard of a dump cake...but that thing looks great!

P.S. Homemade cards are always better ;)
I love the idea of dump cake.. May be I will make it someday with my own impression I have developed of it in my mind... :)

I have been doing nothing special for the Valentines Day... my husband reacts to it as though it is a VD
Saturday we went to Ash Grove to rock an roll with the newest Grand-baby then stopped in Big Town for a night out with dinner and a movie. Sunday Hubby made me 'sweet heart' oatmeal and off to church we went. We came home and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows in the fireplace where the Nascar race was playin' in the background. Now that's real romancin' for ya'll! :o)

Have a great week dear Simone!!!
Ooops I forgot to mention we did exchange cards. I got Hubby one the played Atomic makes me laugh!
Buckeroomama said…
I made Butter Chicken for dinner. No cardamom is okay, although I do wonder what it would taste like with cardamom.
Anonymous said…
Happy Valentine's Day to you! Making cards certainly isn't cheap when first starting out. You must build your collection up. Happy crafting!

BTW on your Thursday post...I laughed out loud on your dog on your lap. He is definately not a lap dog! HA
Unknown said…
My Valentine worked all day long so I sent him a valentines day text message : ) He bought me a card and chocolate. I was happy!
Heart2Heart said…

I must say that the price of cards certainly has climbed beyond what they should be. I try to stick to those .99 ones and love the handmade ones. However since I wasn't feeling up to it this year, I caved and bought one instead.

We spent the day with our kids and just enjoyed a home cooked meal at home.

Please make sure to stop by my blog today to enter a great giveaway.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Diva's Thoughts said…
I had absolutely no plans for Sunday. I did, however, made last minute plans with Rev. Dr. for dinner and we had a very nice dinner actually.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Hey CCD, Sorry I've been missing in action for so long. I've missed you! Life is starting to get back to "normal" around here at last.

"Dump Cake" looks like my kind of dessert! I made brownies and cut them into heart shapes with cookie cutters then dusted them with powdered sugar.

I'll figure out our vacation plans this week so we can plan a lunch. I'm looking forward to it.

Lin said…
I bought a card but it was a relatively cheap one. We were running all week and I couldn't get myself to get cards and presents in time. Ugh. The cake looks YUMMY, Simone!

Hope you had a great Valentine's Day.

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