Creative Saturday

Have you ever had inspiration hit when you were in a place that you didn't expect? Well...I found inspiration while sitting on the potty. Yeah, that's funny but true. There are textured walls in our house and if you look hard enough, you'll find that in the midst of the textures, you can see pictures begin to unfold. (Something close to the ink blot pictures that are used in psychiatrists offices.)

This isn't my actual textured wall photo but even looking at this picture, I see a dove and a silhouette of a father and son fishing. I don't expect you to see what I see but it's there. In fact, you may see something even more phenomenal than that.

I've also discovered that by people watching, there lies many stories waiting to unfold. The other night, for instance, I was in line waiting for a jazz concert to start and I saw so many interesting characters. I saw a couple both in motorized wheelchairs...elderly, obviously in love. It gave me a chance to tuck away a story idea in my brain before moving on to the next fascinating people that caught my eye.

Do you find creativity in unexpected ways? If so, where do you get your creativity?


You changed your blog!! It's brighter (happier) and easier to read! I LOVE IT!

If I told you I get inspiration from voices in my head, you might think I'm kidding....but I'm not.

They don't just give me an idea, if it's a song, they give me the tune; if it's a poem, they give me the words.

When it comes right down to it, I can't really take credit for anything I create because it just comes to me. True.
Mari said…
I see things in my bathroom too. In my case it's on the floor. The floor has a mottled pattern and I'm always seeing pictures in it.
I like the idea of a story from the elderly couple in wheelchairs. That's creative!
Tiffany said…
Yes the bathroom is my thinking spot. I know it's pathetic but I have a notebook and pen in there to jot down my ideas and thoughts.

Heart2Heart said…

Yes I do find that my creativity for anything comes in the weirdest of places! Been there and done that on the toilet, shower, in the car, at the doctor's office, you name it and when I don't have a pen or paper handy that is when I get the best ideas.

Now I keep a little notebook and pen handy with me as much as I can. You just knew know when God will provide you with that divine inspiration!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Suz said…
I think it's when you are occupied with mundane, mindless tasks, that creativity gets a chance.

I'm not sure I've been terribly creative on the potty but I think my best thoughts while mowing the lawn or gardening. Can't wait for it to be warm enough to do both of those tasks.

Simone, I love the way your mind works. It makes me smile inside.
Oh baby, I have an imagination that won't quit. Heck, I see things in the food I eat and the clouds in the air. I'm kinda like a kid that way!

God bless and have a great week!

On the potty....heeeheeehe!!!!
Anonymous said…
That's so funny that you do that, too. I will see shapes in clouds and also in my tile floors. LOL.

Hey thanks so much for the comment at my Reel Moments post. :0)
Shannon K. said…
I people watch. All the time. I even do it while driving. I look at the person stopped next to me at a red light. I think about the fact that he/she has this entire life of his/her own. It blows my mind.

A little off track, I know...but hey, I was inspired :)
Shannon K. said…
I people watch. All the time. I even do it while driving. I look at the person stopped next to me at a red light. I think about the fact that he/she has this entire life of his/her own. It blows my mind.

A little off track, I know...but hey, I was inspired :)
Anonymous said…
I always see shapes and faces that aren't there... most people think I am strange but now I know there are more people who do it too ;))
Veronica Lee said…
I have my moments of inspiration on the potty too!
I find ideas and thoughts streaming into my mind when I am very sleepy.. I feel lazy to get up and jot them down and when I really wake up in the morning .. I cannot recall them. Never.
If I could I would have been famous LOL
Sherry said…
LOL!!! Inspiration is really only need to look...even if it's while you're on the potty!! xo

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