Natural born talent

I am in awe of beautiful performances and I've seen many but was wowed to tears as I watched Kim Yu-na compete in the Olympics in figure skating. One of the sportscasters said, "She has a gift, it's engrained in her, a natural born talent." I couldn't have said it better. There are athletes, dancers, artists, singers, firemen and firewomen, nurses, doctors, engineers, actors and more...that have to be taught to be as good as they are but then there are those that are gifted and talented beyond any explanation. Kim Yu-Na falls into this category.

Not only was she raised in poverty but with the money that she has earned from sponsors, donated over $100,00.00 to Unicef. So, combine that with a natural gift and a giving heart, she is one awesome young lady.

I believe that everyone is born with a gift. Some are obvious and then, others are often thrust upon us to discover when we least expect it. What we do with that gift is totally up to us.

TV Boo was three years old when I decided to try her in gymnastics. She was bashful, always hugging onto my leg when I walked. Her sister on the other hand, was a ham, naturally born with the gift to entertain and act and that was the direction we put her in, acting. I waited to see what TV Boo was gifted to do. The very first day at a gymnastics training center, she wowed everyone, at three years old and did a cartwheel on a four foot beam...coaches not expecting it. She was only supposed to walk across but she decided that there was more to it than just walking it.

She leaped, flipped, tucked and split on the beam and floor and vault and bars. It was her natural born talent that kept her fear at bay. At home, without realizing it, she would walk on her hands from her room to the kitchen and then back.

The very first competition, she scored 5 gold medals and she took it all so very lightly. It meant nothing to her unless she was having fun.

Are you using your natural born gifts? Do you know what they are? If not, why aren't you using them? I used to remind TV Boo that if you don't use your gifts you will lose your gifts.

So, use your gift(s). Someone needs to be gifted by you.


Veronica Lee said…
I honestly still don't really know what my gifts are. But I do know I have a knack for slogan-writing. Have I mentioned to you before about my wins in 40+ competitions, a chevy and more than RM10,000 cash?!!
Great post...I do love watching the ice skating and she is amazing. I don't really know what my talent is I know I have a hidden one dying to come out. Someday!
Buckeroomama said…
I love watching figure skating and I wish I could have seen the actual event. I've seen her on YouTube and she is amazing!!
Very good post Simone.. I haven't been watching sports lately because I don't even have a TV at home but will check her out on YOUTUBE...

I am so damn sure I am gifted .. now if only I could find where it is hidden in me...Sigh!
Love this post. Really love it.

Hallie :)
Deidra said…
I agree! Use it or lose it! Those skaters are amazing! All of the athletes and their stories are so inspirational. I think every single one of them had to overcome some obstacle to get to the Olympics.
Yes, I to believe we are all given a measure of gifts and we need to use them. If we don't they will be lost to us but God will carry on using someone else. To truly be blessed we have to put our gifts into action.

Great post doll. I love the ice skating events. The talent of these young people always blow me away.

God bless your day, sweetie.
The challenge is not really discovering my gifts, but using them to bless others and not selfishly holding on to them for myself. Thanks for reminding me.
Kwana said…
Kim took my breath away. She is a natural and thanks for this inspiring post.
Mandy said…
Beautiful post and thoughts. I'm ashamed that I haven't watched any of the Olympics this year but I know that those athletes are incredible with many of them (like the figure skater you posted) overcoming nearly impossibly obstacles to get where they are today.

As far my talent, I am undecided. I think I am somewhat gifted at writing yet I don't do enough to pursue it. My husband and I had a conversation over the weekend about priorities. Right now, my priorites are my family and raising my daughter over everything else. I'm okay with that right now.

I have decided, however, to squeeze in something for me that I want to achieve. I'm starting a "Mandy's Monthly" segment on my blog and each month I'm going to push myself in a new way to do something or to give back in some day. I'm excited about it.
Deborah Ann said…
I am amazed by the gifts of these talented men and women. Some have diligently practiced for years, others like you say are born gifted.

My to see people set free. To encourage them along the journey, and to see them try their wings for the first time. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!"
This is one of those light a fire under your butt posts that I love....just a low flame, but a flame nevertheless.

If you don't try things, you won't know whether you're good at them or not. I try to tell people that, but I hear excuses like, "I'm too old" or "I can't", etc.

I loved the story about your daughter being three and showing the world some of her special qualities on a beam!! That is so cool!
Ina in Alaska said…
I think I am a great organizer, but also too lazy (at the moment) to begin organization.... fits and spurts....hope your March is getting off to a wonderful start!! xoxo
Heart2Heart said…

What a great post! So often people are waiting for some greatness to be revealed in their lives when they are missing the simple things that God has blessed them with.

Maybe they are great with organizing, cleaning, encouraging, volunteering, it doesn't have to be something magnificent in order to do God's will with our lives. We were all put here to do something great! We just need to be willing to do it.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Lin said…
And yours is writing, no doubt! :)
Tiffany said…
She was awesome but part of me thinks about those programs in other countries and I always worry that the athletes were exploited and forced even if they had a natural talent. She did deserve the gold medal though.

Joanna Jenkins said…
Kim Yu-na is a stunning skater and gorgeous to watch. I did not know her history but now find her inspiring too. So young and so gifted.

XmasDolly said…
Gee, now that the Olympics is over what are people going to do! I'm still trying to discover my talents. I've tried so many things, and I'm really not sure. I make that old phrase come true. Jack of all trades, Master of NONE! LOL Have a good one!
Unknown said…
Oh. I loved this post.
Thank you.
And thank you so much for reminding everyone to use what they have been given.
We can make the world a better place if we all give our best : )
Emily said…
I missed her Olympic performance, but I keep hearing it was incredible. What an inspiration!
Liz Mays said…
It's really hard to recognize our own talents, I feel. I don't know what mine are either. But since I'm embarking on a new path, I hope to find out!

PS. No, I never got your email. I wonder if you had sent it when my computer died. I lost all emails that were on that computer. :(
ethelmaepotter! said…
This is a beautiful, awe-inspiring post, Simone. Thank you for the video that brought tears to my tired old eyes. I watched it twice.

Figure skating is my favorite Olympic event, summer or winter. It's poetry, it's art, it's all that's right and beautiful in the world for a few moments.

People used to tell me that drawing and painting were my gifts, but I didn't think so; I was good, but not great, and I didn't take pleasure from my craft, so I let the talent slip away. I have other "gifts" now, and, yes, I use them, and yes, I enjoy using them.
Sherry said…
You speak the truth. As always. And isn't it a joy and a blessing to watch others, but most especially our children, when they have tapped into their God given gifts? xo

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