Things I've Learned Thursday
1) Kid germs mutate for adults and turn into gigantic flesh eating organisms that won't let throat is on fire but there's nothing to put out the flames!
2) Since being on Facebook, I've discovered that there are some people that were annoying in high school that are still annoying in their adulthood. Thank God for the "hide" button.
3) I have moments when I think of my big brother and I miss him all over again. It could be riding with the car windows down and smelling the air that makes me think of him. I wish he were here.
4) Of all the shoes that Humble can tear up, why does he chew up mine? And WHY must they be my favorite shoes? I am not amused by his cuteness anymore.
5) I have no problems with turning down parking lot kids who are selling candy, calendars, cookies and a digital pedometer. There is no guilt factor in my "no". I say it with gusto. Boo on the other hand, can't say no so he says, "What do you think Babe?" and leaves me to be the bad guy. I smile and STILL say, "No thank you."
6) Throwing away dirt with weeds is very exhilarating. I breathed in when Boo did it and it felt good. (This won't mean a single thing to any of you but you just have to trust me on this!)
7) For every month that I'm unemployed, I am having a hard time grasping the reality of when a job will come my way. This is no walk in the park and for every person who has said, "Well, at least you get a break", I'd love to just smack them.
8) I love hearing birds sing but it is 10:30 pm and the birds are not sleeping but singing. I swear one of them keeps singing, "Cheeseburger". I'm ready to toss a cheeseburger at him.
9) Kids make friends so easily. Baby Boo made a friend at the park just by saying, "You can't catch me!" Her and her "friend" played "can't catch me for an hour and never wore out.
10) My puppy dog Selah is 8 years old today! I get all sappy with her and usually boil an egg and put a candle in it and sing happy birthday to her. She is totally "human" and LOVES this. In fact, she expects this and anticipates it. I literally have to spell egg or else she goes nuts sitting by the stove, waiting for the egg to finish.

What have you learned?
2) Since being on Facebook, I've discovered that there are some people that were annoying in high school that are still annoying in their adulthood. Thank God for the "hide" button.
3) I have moments when I think of my big brother and I miss him all over again. It could be riding with the car windows down and smelling the air that makes me think of him. I wish he were here.
4) Of all the shoes that Humble can tear up, why does he chew up mine? And WHY must they be my favorite shoes? I am not amused by his cuteness anymore.
5) I have no problems with turning down parking lot kids who are selling candy, calendars, cookies and a digital pedometer. There is no guilt factor in my "no". I say it with gusto. Boo on the other hand, can't say no so he says, "What do you think Babe?" and leaves me to be the bad guy. I smile and STILL say, "No thank you."
6) Throwing away dirt with weeds is very exhilarating. I breathed in when Boo did it and it felt good. (This won't mean a single thing to any of you but you just have to trust me on this!)
7) For every month that I'm unemployed, I am having a hard time grasping the reality of when a job will come my way. This is no walk in the park and for every person who has said, "Well, at least you get a break", I'd love to just smack them.
8) I love hearing birds sing but it is 10:30 pm and the birds are not sleeping but singing. I swear one of them keeps singing, "Cheeseburger". I'm ready to toss a cheeseburger at him.
9) Kids make friends so easily. Baby Boo made a friend at the park just by saying, "You can't catch me!" Her and her "friend" played "can't catch me for an hour and never wore out.
10) My puppy dog Selah is 8 years old today! I get all sappy with her and usually boil an egg and put a candle in it and sing happy birthday to her. She is totally "human" and LOVES this. In fact, she expects this and anticipates it. I literally have to spell egg or else she goes nuts sitting by the stove, waiting for the egg to finish.

What have you learned?
hugs to you my friend...
I hope you feel better soon, Simone. Remember I told you I'd been sick with a cold/asthma/bronchitis? Well, it's been since the first of January, 2 courses of antibiotics and tomorrow I am going to an Ear Nose and Throat doctor. You aren't kidding when you say germs mutate!!
Happy birthday to Selah! She's so cute.
Dr.s will still tell ya the best thing for a sore throat is grandmas old remedy of garglin' in warm salt water several times a day.
God bless and have a terrific day my friend!
I tried to "friend" a person on Facebook who we have sued in order to try to figure where he is so he can be served with the judgment and we can execute on assets. What a mistake!!! The person keeps sending me messages asking me how I know him and who is my husband. I have not replied.
Like you I am a writer, with one book published thus far.
I'm with you on #2. Another great "TILT".
RE Facebook... yes, some people never change!
Happy Birthday to Selah! And I hope you start feeling better so you can enjoy the weekend.
I hate it when people say things like "Are you looking?" or "Have you tried?"
You have a great weekend. I love the photo of your puppy.