Undoing What's Been Done

This is not supposed to be my blog template. With one little push of a save button, I saved a template, deleted this and moved that. Before too long, I had made a huge mess of my blog design.

Has that ever happened to you? You attempt to fix one thing and while doing that, someone else or something else happens and puts a twist on the mess that's already been made?

Unfortunately, I'm notorious for it so thank God, there is a such thing as super glue, duct tape and sheepish grins to cover it all. But when it comes down to it, not ever mistake is a bad one. I have learned much from a quick push of a button.

I'm also learning that where there is one "oops", there is soon to be another. It's like biting my tongue, not once but three times in the same place! I hate that but it never fails to happen!

I'm bracing myself for a few more before the day is over. But in the meantime, you know what I'll be doing for my creative Saturday!


Oh wow Simone! New look, I don't mind, I found looking at all those chocolates made me hungry Lol!

Yes, looks like your creative Saturday will be on the computer designing. I spent the morning taking my little one to our Farmer's Market and now we are huddled around the wood stove. It's snowing... AGAIN.

We had two beautiful warm weeks, my bulbs were sprouting and now it's all white.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said…
I like your new look!
I like you mistake. I too wanted to go grab a snack every time I dropped in. Ya know my motto, if it ain't chocolate, it ain't worth the calories!!!

Have fun creatin' today and have a blessed weekend Simone!
Mari said…
I've done that too. Frustrating isn't it? Hope things go well on your creative Sunday!
Janie B said…
I'm the worst when it comes to technology. That's why I haven't changed mine in so long. I'm afraid of messing everything up. Ha! Good luck with yours.
Elle Bee said…
Oh boy, whenever I start fiddling with my blog template, things ALWAYS go wrong...so very very wrong. But the new look is nice!!
Sweet Tea said…
I thought you were perhaps exploring the "southwest" part of your personality. I'm thinking New Mexico, Arizona...etc.
Anita said…
I like the banner at the top. Whatever you end up won't change the contents of what we're used to getting from you. :)
I will look forward to see the results on Monday ...
I like the new look of your blog ..
Donna B. said…
I have a "Test Blog" I try things out on, before I put it on either of my blogs. I got this tip from Mari, one of my followers and blog friends. I could not help laughing, because I can so relate to this post!
Veronica Lee said…
I thought I was in the wrong blog! The new look is lovely, Simone.
Anonymous said…
I've done this before, hence how my blog turned out. I'm still unhappy with mine! I miss the chocolates though. HA ;)
Buckeroomama said…
You know what, Simone? I love this new look. :) This is more "spring-y." It's fun playing with the templates, though, isn't it?
I actually like this look on your blog, Simone! I know it's not what you want, but it's open, airy, spring like and very pretty.
Deidra said…
I like this new look!

When I changed my design a few weeks back, somehow I lost the feed to my stat counter. That has got to be one of the very best things that has ever happened to me!
Unknown said…
I like this look. Ive been there too!
Murr Brewster said…
I'm way too afraid. I tried to install a simple ShareThis button on my blog and the whole thing turned into Farsi. I had to get a friend to claw it back. Now I won't touch the thing and it's real old-fashioned. Does this mean I have to produce quality content? The horror!

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