In the Face of Fear

Have you ever stared fear in the face and something inside of you kicked into motion and you stomped on that fear and kept on going?

I grew up fearful. In fact, thank God I was born an identical twin because many nights, my twin and I either slept in the same bed, hiding under the covers or sat in the bathroom until the sun came up, afraid of monsters, robbers, ghosts, boogey men - you name it. I once had this dream that I saw a headless guy riding a horse on my closet door and that did it for me. I slept with my head under the covers just in case.

One time, there was a male cat, prowling for a female and he was making the most horrible sounding mating call. We just KNEW that it was some dead person coming back from the dead. My twin and I ran to the bathroom. She sat on the floor and I sat on the toilet, waiting for the courage to go back to bed. The courage didn't come until we heard our dad getting up for work the next morning at 4:30 am.

One day, though, I didn't have a chance to feel the fear. I was on my way home when a small pickup truck was turned over on the side of a dirt road. It was 1:30 am, off of a two lane highway. My ex and I turned back around to see what was going on. Pinned under the truck was a lady. There was glass everywhere and the gas tank was leaking. She was conscious but trapped. I ran across the highway to a call box and asked for help. Then, ran back to the lady. She was conscious and asking for help. She wanted us to call her mom. I was more worried about the dripping gas tank. I held her hand and then told her that she was going to be just fine. For no explained reason, the ex and I, literally lifted the truck enough to get it off of her. By the time the paramedics came, I was on the phone calling her mom.

I went home, in shock. Not only had I never seen anything so horrendous and bloody but also, that we had moved that truck off of her. I remember hopping in the shower and washing my hands and arms over and over again where her blood had been. I prayed for her. Her name was Charlie. I remembered that most of all.

Two days later, I spoke to her mom using the number that Charlie had given me. She was going to make it. Apparently, the doctor told her that had no one stopped for her, she would've bled out on the side of the road. Where she had been pinned had almost been completely severed. I remember her mom crying on the phone and her telling me, "Thank you for saving my daughter."

I didn't save her daughter. In fact, the circumstances to this day still remains a mystery. We drove that route often but where she was pinned was unlit. Also, how did we pull that truck off of her? I know that it was only God's doing. For such a time as this....we were there.

Have you ever been in the face of fear and yet, stared it down and kept on going?


Incredible story...I believe you were there for a reason. I work at a grocery store was held up with a gun in my face I turned and walk away to call police leaving my co-workers to the gun man...all I remember going through my mind was call 911.I feel bad that I probably put them in danger by making the gunman mad. Fear does the strangest thing to your mind. Have a wonderful Monday!
Mari said…
Wow - God certainly put you there and then gave you the strength to do what you needed to do.
I've never had that kind of thing happen, but I've been in several medical situations, where I remained calm and was able to do what needed to be done. After it was all done, I felt the panic!
Wonderful story. God makes all things possible. And I don't believe in coincidences.

I have an alter ego that kicks in when I have to stare fear down. It's never failed me.

My regularly scheduled persona can be a bit meek and mild....but my alter ego can manage almost anything!
That is incredible. God put the right people there!
You are such an amazing strong woman (not just because you can lift a truck). I read your blog and wish I could be more like you, TRY to be more like you. You are truly an inspiration.
God could have put anyone else on that road and had totally different outcomes....He knows what He's doing. You're a hero to many~
Have a wonderful week,
Veronica Lee said…
OMG!! That was incredible!

You never cease to amaze me!!
Ina in Alaska said…
So glad you happened upon that injured lady, thankfully her life was saved! Unlike in NYC this past weekend when people just walked by a gravely injured Good Samaritan who helped a lady who was being mugged and got stabbed by the mugger. People walked by him and no one called 911 and the poor man died! WHY!!
Liz Mays said…
I truly do believe that God gave you the strength to lift that truck. What a blessing!
Deborah Ann said…
I love it when God sends us out on a rescue mission! What a huge blessing that you were there at that moment in time!
Deidra said…
You never cease to amaze me by the things that have happened in your life. Certainly you were sent by God, and God gave you the strength to move that car. It was God working through you to show you, and your ex, and Charlie, and us just how great He is. What a privilege we have that every now and then He chooses to use us to work a miracle!
Lin said…
Why were you so scared as a child???

I like your story--that was amazing! Isn't it funny how you find strength in the moment and crumble later when you think of what you just saw??? The human brain is incredible.
Janie B said…
That was an amazing story! I'm speechless.
Terra said…
You did play a big role in saving her daughter. God has a purpose for us, and you were in the right place and did the perfect thing.
Donna B. said…
Oh man. Great post! Thank God you and your husband were there. I have heard of situations like this where people's adrenaline kicks in and gives them super strength.

Yes, I can so relate to "Feeling the Fear and Doing It Anyway" fact, I read the book!!!

I will keep this post in mind for topics for future posts... YOU ARE INSPIRING!
Buckeroomama said…
I do believe that God gave you the strength to see that moment through and help the lady.

You are an amazing woman, Simone. :)
Mandy said…
Like the others have said, WOW! Incredible! You're such a wonderful person for what you did and for following up with her mother! You are an angel on earth.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Gosh Simone, you really did save that' girl's life! WOW. The "hows" and "whys" may never be answered but you saved her. What an amazing story.
I take my hat off to you.
Anonymous said…
You truly are an angel! You are amazing!
Unknown said…
Oh yes! I'm dealing with a road of recovery and it's very scary.
Thanks for reminding me that one can survive and flourish.
Anonymous said…
I also live in fear, after I see a scary movie. Yikes, it takes me a while to get over my wild imagination.
Mom et al said…
What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing. I have experienced different kinds of fear in life but have always managed to push through it. I have a lot of trouble when it comes to faith. Was it God who saw me through those difficult times? I would very much like to think so, but for me that belief is difficult to grasp.
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Anonymous said…
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