People Never Cease to Amaze Me!

I went with Boo to get the oil changed in his truck. While I was there, I saw a little boy about 5 years old, with his little sister and dad and grandma, waiting in the waiting room. The little guy spilled a small cup of water with ice that was on the floor. No harm done, right? The father snatched the kid by the arm so hard and then grabbed the area by his neck and shoulder blade, forcing him to sit down. The dad continued to tell the kid in a growling yet quiet tone that he was going to kick the crap out of him and that he was done with him...fed up...had it with more juice, soda, milk. He repeated that he was going to kick the crap out of him like three times. Grandma said nothing but went to the bathroom to get paper towels to clean up the mess. (Which was very small). The little boy's face remains etched in my mind right now. He was a broken kid that sat on the chair and hugged his legs to his body. About 5 minutes later, the dad says, "Hey buddy, when we get home, we can play your monster truck game that you like. Do you want to play?" The boy never uttered a word. He looked frightened and sad. They walked out of the room to wait outside and the little boy sat at a table and just literally stared, looking at nothing. I told Boo what I had heard. His heart went out to the little boy as well. He was a kid that was a product of abuse. It showed. Yet, I didn't know what to do. What could I have done to save this little boy? I told Boo, "I wish I was a super hero that had the power to unleash triple the amount of abuse on the dad that he's giving to his son." My heart hurt for him. Why do some people have to be so abusive and mean?

Then, I went to Walmart Vision Center. Somehow, I had scratched the lens to my glasses with my engagement ring. The scratch has been distorting my vision. So, the optometrist says to me, "Girlfriend, this isn't good. In fact, this is darn expensive. Then she says, "I'm only going to do this one time and one time only." She hands me the receipt folded up and tells me that she'll call me when the lens comes in. I walked out the door, unfolding the receipt and there is no charge! She blessed me when I didn't expect to be blessed! How can some people be so nice?

Two different degrees of emotions and attitudes that are capable of bringing about emotions to the people who they touch. I almost felt guilty for being blessed while the little guy's spirit was being beaten down.

I hope that somehow, some way, there is someone who can make a way for him and let him know that he is loved.


Mari said…
That kind of situation is heartbreaking. There was really nothing you could do, except pray for that little guy, and pray for his Dad too. Glad your faith in people was redeemed at the next stop!
Prairiemaid said…
Wow, how sad. Praying for this little guy and his family. Sometimes I think some people have no common sense what so this dad, but he is probably a product of his own up bringing, you know?

Glad the optometrist blessed you!

And yeah, I like the super hero idea!!
I feel your pain, it's tough to witness that and be able to do nothing. I pray for him too that some day soon he feels the love.
Vegas Linda Lou said…
Infuriating. Being such an a-hole and then acting nice as hell is classic abusive behavior. I pray for that little boy.

Cosmic that you had such a positive experience right after that. The balance of the universe.
It breaks my heart when our hands are tied when we desire so much just to reach out. My prayers are so with that little guy, that was me when I was dad was very verbal. I'm so glad that you were so beautifully bless on your next stop. Isn't God good that way?

God bless and have a terrific Tuesday sweetie!!!
Andrea said…
It rips my heart apart when I see that kind of thing.
Deidra said…
Isn't it amazing (and unsettling) to realize that each of us has the capacity to be either of the people you encountered? We each have it in us to be cruel and abusive, and we have it in us to be overwhelmingly kind. Circumstance and experience contribute, I believe, so do character and faith. Let's pray for more Wal-Mart women and fewer car shop men.
Anonymous said…
My BFF's husband is a jerk just like that man. He goes from varying emotions and often times will be found yelling at his kids for something so innocent and small. I hate it. I want to do something but I can't. I hope the little boy you saw knows that people like us care.

YAY for a nice optometrist. Such a blessing I'm sure.
Unknown said…
Two things I cannot stomach are cruelty to children and cruelty to animals. It makes me crazy.

But it was nice that the day was balanced out by your visit to the optometrist!
Ina in Alaska said…
Oh my heart broke for that child. I am a Jersey Girl after all, we Jersey Girls have a lot of nerve embedded in our DNAs. I would have said something to the dad, but in a light and polite tone...

Very sweet of the lens lady at Walmart!! xoxoxo
ethelmaepotter! said…
What a difficult and troubling situation to witness. But there was probably truly nothing you could have done. My husband's niece married a very abusive man and they had seven children in seven years, all who were later removed and placed in foster care. I heard tale one time of the father creating a scene similar to the one you described at a restaurant...someone stepped in and tried to help...the situation became quite hostile, and when they got home, the child got a severe beating for "causing so much trouble." I was so relieved when those children were removed from that home. But of the five who have now graduated from high school, three seem to be following their parents' path. How sad.
Heart2Heart said…
It's so hard to intervene in a situation like that. I guess just praying for him and hoping that in time there will come a day when he has to answer for his actions, and until that time perhaps the little boy will find forgiveness and love in Jesus.

Please stop by my blog today to meet a blogger in need of help!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Stacy said…
That poor boy! I add my prayer for him (and his family because heaven knows they need it too) to everyone else's in the hope that God will intercede.
Unknown said…
That just broke my heart. It makes me so very sad that people treat their kids like that. It is very scary indeed! There is just no need. No need to destroy a child ever. Heartbreaking.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Oh Simone, That's a tough one. I'll pray that that poor child. A broken spirit is so sad.
Helene said…
Oh wow, that tugs at my heartstrings too. My parents were verbally abusive and I know all too well what that boy was probably feeling right then. And then for the father to act like nothing happened...wanting his kid to be his best buddy after ridiculing him for something as simple as a spilled cup of water!!! Unbelievable!!

It is comforting to know that genuinely nice people who want to help others still exist. What a nice thing the optometrist did for you!
All you can really do is pray.

I've interceded on more than one occasion and been told to "Mind my own effing business!"

I'm heartened that you were blessed at the vision center, but that first tale haunts me.
Veronica Lee said…
That was so sad. I'm praying for that poor child.
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