I'll Always be "Mommy"
One of the greatest joys of my life was becoming a mommy. Not just once but twice. Being a mommy is a badge of honor. Once you receive that badge, there's no turning back, it will always be there with you.
The first time I realized I was a mommy was not when Married Boo had slathered Vaseline all over her body and came out naked while I was interviewing prospective day care parents. It wasn't even when she chewed up a whole pack of gum or pulled 5 teeth out in one day because she wanted more money from the tooth fairy.
The second baby girl came along and I realized that I was a mommy again. It wasn't because she clung to me every waking minute. Nor was it that she learned to read and write at 3 years old. It wasn't even when she told me that I was pwetty and had pwetty bwown eyes. It wasn't even the sweetness of her saying that she was going to mawwy Stevie Wonder when she grew up.
No, I realized that I was a mommy when I held them in my arms for the very first time and they looked at me and recognized me as their mommy. There's that bond, unspoken that exists between a mom and a child. They have your back, you know you've got theirs..in fact, you've got their back, their sides, their feet....you would literally throw yourself in front of a moving truck if it meant saving your child's life.
I love being Mommy. Even now, that my baby, Single Boo is almost 21 and Married Boo is almost 23, it's music to my ears when I hear them call my name, "Mommy".
My life is beautiful and full and rich because I am their Mommy.
Happy Mother's day to mommies everywhere....that includes mommies of babies in heaven, mommies of babies with four paws and fur, mommies of babies that are 7 ft and still growing...Happy Mother's day!!
This brought back memories of my kids, when they were babies.
Happy Mother's day!
PS - your daughters are beautiful!
Don't make me say that twice.
Happy Mother's Day. You have two gorgeous daughters and I'm sure they adore you just as you adore them :-)
Those are my beautiful daughters.
Your girls are adorable!!! Just like their mama!
You have a wonderful Mother's Day filled with wounderous blessings!!!
PS Your daughters are GORGEOUS!
Happy Mother's Day!
I love hearing the antics of others' children....my girls at 3 & 5 thought it would be cute to use pink playtex tampon applicators as fingernails, then came into the den to show them to the Minister and his wife! Of course, the REASON the box of tampons was out in the first place is also the reason I was so upset. Dang, had to go to the store as soon as the Preacher left! It was pretty funny 3 days later ;~)
Have a beautiful Mother's Day,
Happy Mother's Day, Simone!
You have to be so proud of them. To hear you talk about them, I know they are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside.
EnJoy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's day to mommies everywhere....that includes mommies of babies in heaven, mommies of babies with four paws and fur, mommies of babies that are 7 ft and still growing...Happy Mother's day!! - - AMEN
P.S. My girls still call me mommy once in a while, especially when they're sick. LOL
This Mother's Day is bittersweet as I watch my son graduate from H.S. and move onward to independence and college. I'm wayyyy sentimental and teary-eyed every day these days!
Peace, Love and Chocolate