Photo Tagged

I've been photo tagged by the infamous Xmas Dolly. To play along, I was to pick the 8th folder of pictures and the 8th picture in that folder and talk about it.

So here's my 8th photo:

Baby Boo is the epitome of making my heart sing. The time that we spend with her is a treasure beyond measure. I've been teaching her a little bit of the piano and while we play, she likes to sing. A kid after my own heart.

I'm not very good at playing by the rules but if you'd like to play along, go ahead and tell em that Simone sent you!


Mari said…
That's a really cute picture - I can see her little mouth all pursed to sing!
Unknown said…
That is a precious photo! Treasure those memories
Oh Sweetie...
Beautiful picture and beautiful share today. I love her little pursed lips as she is trying to sing. So precious. Thank you for sharing today.

Hope your Sunday is filled with Sunshine and Happiness, as that is what you always give to me when you visit.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry
Terra said…
What fun playing piano with Baby Boo.
That is an adorable photo, I so love the curls on you both. I hope Boo continues with the piano, my hubby stopped playing when he was young and regrets it now.
Thanks for playing... I'm going to post mine today!
Mandy said…
Beautiful! I love that photo - it says so much about your character and hers! I bet she just loves you with all her being. And why wouldn't she? I do and I only know you through one phone call and our virtual conversations. :)
Mariah said…
Ahhh. Love kids and music. Like your new design also
Buckeroomama said…
She is utterly adorable!! :) Her singing along while at the piano must be so cute!
Anonymous said…
So cute!!! I think it's awesome that you are able to teach her how to play the piano.
Tiffany said…
Awwww, so cute.

Peace, Love and Chocolate
XmasDolly said…
Good job, and totally love the pic! Have a great day, my friend!
I wish you were going too.I am going to try and blog from there each day...and let you come along....I just had something that has never happened to me in blogging....I got a beautiful message from a lady told me she was a Grammy, all about her grandkids, had a blog name...went to click on it and thank her for stopping by and it was a PORN SITE...Has that ever happened to you..
Veronica Lee said…
Love the picture! Turn to the camera and show us your beautiful face, Simone!

Happy Monday!!
Ina in Alaska said…
That is a great picture! How sweet you take the extra steps with her to enrich her life! xoxo
Deidra said…
So precious!

One day I'd love to hear you play the piano!
Liz Mays said…
That is the most darling photo and I adore it!!!
ethelmaepotter! said…
I love that photo! Baby Boo is adorable with that little pucker; was she singing?
Unknown said…
I love those little cheeks and that face! Precious!
Lin said…
Oh, that is such a sweet photo!! Baby Boo is absolutely adorable. Don't you love times like these??
Love that picture. It is so beautiful to see little ones singing like that!

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